Page 40 - Climate Control News November 2021
P. 40

                         New Products
   Remote Monitoring Solutions for Packaged HVAC and Building Services Systems
       Minimise service and repair time
Condensing gas-fired humidifier
CONDAIR HAS LAUNCHED a new condens- ing gas-fired humidifier - the Condair GS.
This unit is BSI certified for Type A gas instal- lation in Australia.
Its condensing system transfers heat from ex- haust flue gases into the incoming water supply. This minimises energy consumption by reduc-
ing the need to heat the water tank. This feature also improves humidity control, as the water be- ing introduced to the water tank is pre-heated and therefore doesn’t reduce the internal temper- ature so greatly or the steam output.
Similar to the technology employed in domes- tic gas boilers, the introduction of condensing technology in gas-fired humidifiers results in lower temperature flue gases and allows the use of PVC flues.
This greatly simplifies and reduces the in- stallation cost of the humidification system, as expensive insulated stainless steels flues are not necessary.
Due to the lower cost of gas as an energy source, gas-fired humidifiers offer substantial savings when compared to more traditional elec- tric steam humidifiers. Replacing an electric sys- tem with a gas-fired alternative can deliver a re- turn on investment within one to two years.
The Condair GS is available in outputs from 21 to 246kg/h from a single unit with the smaller 21 and 41kg/h models being very com- pact wall-mountable units. This makes them ideal replacements for electric steam humidi- fiers, as these are typically wall-mounted and of a similar output.
The latest touch screen technology is incorpo- rated into the Condair GS’ control panel, offering intuitive control over operation and extensive re- porting options.
All operating parameters can be seen at a glance with on-screen features offering the user further information on system diagnostics and detailed trouble-shooting suggestions. BMS con- nectivity is included as standard.
Visit: .
ABOVE:Insulatedstainlesssteelfl es are not necessary with the Condair GS.
ACCESS RESTRICTIONS TO client sites re- mains the most significant challenge to meeting servicing needs for the HVAC industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increased safety protocols have increased costs related to staff resourcing and time.
protocols. The platform is also pre-configured to support all Temperzone products with UC6, UC7, UC8, Carel and M172 PLC platforms. Talk to us about connecting to other manufacturer’s equipment.
Data is displayed in real-time, in an easy to
In addition to remote monitoring solutions, Splash offers customised in-depth data analysis, diagnostics, optimisiation and improvement recommendations.
The key to reducing these costs is to reduce use graphical interface. Commissioning and the need for site visits, and once on site, mini- service information, and system data is miVseisithoeurtiwmeebsrietequfoiremdotreoiunfnodrmerattaiokne: wthwews.esrpvlaicsehmonsittoorrinegd.cofomroeraCsoyntactcIeanssSutmhrnoeruognho02u7t 4t3h6e3l7i4fe9-
and repair.
Remote access to equipment data from
the equipment allows service teams to know the problem they are likely to encoun- ter, prior to arriving on site. Spare parts can be ordered in advance, greatly reducing equipment downtime, and enhancing cus- tomer satisfaction.
In many instances, issues can be identified be- fore HVAC service is impacted, avoiding costly repairs such as blocked drain trays and ineffi- cient unit operation due to clogged filters and blocked strainers.
The Splash HVAC and HPWH Service Support Platform allows cost effective data acquisition on any equipment using MODBUS or BACNET
time of the unit. Data is transmitted using a secure 4G interface that avoids interference with the BMS.
A further benefit is the ability to make set- point adjustments remotely (where supported). This avoids the need for costly charges from the BMS service provider, and offers accessible BMS functionality to service support contractors for a fraction of the complexity and cost.
Installation is simple as it is a plug and play solution. Equipment is couriered to the site, and activated with a call to the Splash support team.
Splash Monitoring is an IoT platform tailor- made for the HVAC/HPWH service industry.
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