Page 8 - Defence Industry Guide #53
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                  8 DEFENCE NEWS
ADM’s Defence Industry Guide 2021 | Edition 53 |
LEFT: Babcock is committed to building capacity and capability in technology, engineering, training and allied industries across Australia and
New Zealand.
capability in technology, engineering, sustainment, supply chain and training across Australia and NZ.
The result is a robust ap- proach that delivers sover- eign capability through local facilities and supply chains that are integrated, reliable and secure.
“Sovereign capability is fundamental to our business here in Australasia” says Da- vis. “By providing AIC dur- ing the acquisition phase of
a program, we establish longer term, sovereign defence capability for the decades of sustainment ahead.”
“Our strategy builds resilience, as well as capability and capacity.”
Babcock’s transparent approach generates cost-effectiveness and ul- timately value for money. Leveraging the company’s expertise in asset man- agement and recognised collaborative relationships (ISO 44001:2017), Bab- cock has delivered significant savings to the Defence programs it supports.
Whilst providing asset management services for Ground Support Equip- ment (GSE) at all RAAF locations, Babcock continues to deliver 10 to 20 percent cost efficiencies over the life- time of those assets.
As the prime asset manager for Land 3025 Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (C-CBRNE) equipment, Babcock is delivering availability and cost control where it was previously missing.
“Babcock continues to focus on customer outcomes,” says Davis. “We leverage best practice from our local supply chain partners, combined with our own evolved processes, to create value through tailored solutions and sustainable client relationships.”
“We collaborate, we commit and we deliver.” ■
 TRUSTED, innovative and proudly Aus- tralian, Babcock Australasia is continu- ing its growth as a Defence Prime, part- nering with local suppliers throughout Australia and NZ to deliver real sover- eign capability.
Employing more than 1300 talented people across the region, Babcock’s domestic capability is growing in the Defence, Aviation and Critical Servic- es sectors, whilst drawing on a global pedigree that has worked in partnership with customers for more than a century.
“Babcock’s service delivery model is different from traditional large primes,” explains Andy Davis, Managing Direc- tor – Defence, Babcock Australasia.
“We clearly put the needs of the customer first by integrating end-user focused and OEM agnostic solutions. We support the complex supply chains required to deliver, as we design the best outcome to meet our customers’ specific requirements.”
Central to Babcock’s unique meth- odology as a Defence Prime is a com-
mitment to remaining technology- agnostic, meaning that platforms are chosen in accordance with rigorous evaluation processes that always put the customer and final user needs first.
This distinguishes Babcock’s ap- proach from Original Equipment Man- ufacturers (OEMs) who are necessarily tied to the selection of their own prod- ucts, lacking freedom and flexibility.
Even when a particular product or solution has a history of usage at Bab- cock, the company will openly and rigorously challenge it: comparing current, potentially more appropriate solutions within its broad network of product and supply chain partners.
“Babcock avoids having a conflicting agenda when serving the needs of its customers,” says Davis. “We have the freedom and the flexibility to generate a solution using ‘best in breed’ technology.”
Australian Industry Capability (AIC) is embedded in Babcock’s op- erating model. The company is com- mitted to building capacity as well as

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