Page 102 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 102

ZGP: Do you believe there is a connection                 Sometimes you just need something to intervene                         Share - Follow - Like - Subscribe - Join
        between music and the soul? Whether                       to change your mindset. Even if I was just writing
        you are the performer or the listener.                    a song for an hour, I would feel better and want to
        LOLO: While I'm a performer, I am also a listener;        take a shower. Which was a big deal in those mo-
        as a matter of fact, I was a listener first. It is what   ments of depression, I did not want to do anything.
        led me to want to make my own art. There is this          The most helpful thing about writing songs was the                                L
        ongoing conversation about the creation of things.        ability to see what you are feeling on paper. Music
        Music as osmosis can be scientifically explained in       has always been the purest form of me showing my
        theory, but in practice, how do we explain Beetho-        heart. It is still often difficult to sing Shine. Now I
        ven or Dolly Parton? There just seems to be some-         have a little person and a husband. We are this force
        thing bigger guiding that composing and writing.          raising this little dude; there is a part of me that                                          O
                                                                  fears the day that my little man will be burdened
        ZGP: Let's talk about the song “Shine”                    with anxiety and depression because it does impact
        because I know personally that it is a very               everyone. Sometimes, for a couple days and some-
        powerful, inspirational song. I was very                  times much longer.
        moved and received a renewed sense of
        encouragement from listening to the song.                 ZGP: Where are you heading musically?                                                                                    L
        LOLO: It was a personal song to me because I've           LOLO: I am in the process of making a new album,
        suffered from anxiety-induced depression. When            being released the first quarter of next year. I've
        this song was created, I was not doing well, living in    given myself a lot of time to work because of the
        NYC, and it was the end of 2014. Going into 2015, I       little one and hopefully by then we will be able to                                                                                    O
        was still struggling and not ok. I basically woke up      tour more. I have a bunch of singles coming out,
        one morning, phoned my then manager, and I was            videos, I'm also writing two musicals, and another
        like, I must go back to Tennessee and my parents. I       musical slated on stage in Boston in spring of next
        wasn't suicidal, but things could go wrong quickly if     year. Raising my little dude and attempting to open
        I hadn’t done something different. I was drinking so      a Cat Café – Rock-A-Billy Cat Café’ and Rescue - in
        much, and I have epilepsy, so drinking in excess is       downtown Jackson, Tennessee. There is a huge cat
        not good for my health.                                   problem in our area and while we have plenty of
                                                                  dog rescues, there is a lack of such a thing for cats.
                                                                  At the Café you can visit the cats, adopt one, have a
                                                                  snack, coffee, or an adult beverage.  I’m super busy
                                                                  but it feeds my ADHD is being used in a positive
                                                                  and healthy way.

        After coming home, I was doing a writing exercise
        with a friend in NY – we would take turns exchang-
        ing random words, and you would use that word to
        create a song, a jingle or whatever. It was my turn
        and I picked shine. And then I just sat down and
        wrote it quite honestly for myself. I had to accept       LOLO is a phenomenal
        that nobody else can overcome this for you, you are       woman and compassion-
        going to have to do this. I wrote the song quickly        ate humanitarian, willing
        and made a demo and sent it to my manager. At             to share her past sufferings
        first it was difficult; I couldn't get through the first   so that collectively we can
        verse. It was a struggle to stand before people and       all heal without compe-
        wear your heart on your sleeve. It was very hard to       tition. She has an intense
        be that honest about my struggles.                        love for family, friends,
                                                                  and cats.                Lauren, Colton, and Xander
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