Page 139 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 139

ways want to hear music, or play your instrument, or   ZPG: When you are playing, what’s your   an original, and they were surprised. Most people
 view a Grateful Dead concert. It can be multiple ways,   most requested song?  don’t know if it’s a cover or an original though.
 but it is definitely something inside you. How that hits   TG: “Tennessee Whiskey” actually. People request
 you is different. It can hit you to a point where you   that song no matter what band or group I’m in. It’s   ZPG: I think you already are an artist!
 want to create, or you want to replicate a sound. I see   because I feel that old music in it. I play this new song   From the way you think about music,
 music lovers that like listening to music more than   and sing it in my old way, and people love it. I add a   your ability to play, and how far you’ve
 I do, but they don’t play music. Where would artists   couple chords and don’t sing it exactly the same way.   already come down the path, all contrib-
 be without people like that? Artists need people who   Some people get hung up on singing the words just   utes to you being an artist. You don’t have
 listen to buy their music so we can keep creating.  right, but I don’t. I’m a guitar player, so I just sing   to have a record label to become an artist.

 ZPG: I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting   ZPG: What if you woke up tomorrow and   how I feel. I play so many covers that I end up mak-  TG: Well, the missing piece is promoting yourself
 Chuck McGill, but I did get to interview   there was no music? How would you create   ing it somewhat original. I must watch it when I’m   on social media. You almost have to be a market-
 Paula and her daughters. They said that   music for us listeners that need it too?  in a group, but when I’m alone I will do pretty much   ing genius and stay on top of it. It can be a full-
 not only was Chuck a talented musician,   TG: There would still be sound. Because even hum-  anything in the middle of it. You can be the one that   time job. I don’t do it enough, but I know that if
 but he was a wonderful husband, father,   ming and tapping and friction are all emitting fre-  copies and plays it note for note, which is ok, that’s   you want to make it, you must do it. It’s as import-
 and friend. That was an amazing experi-  quencies. If you can have sound, you can create   how I started too. But I realized that once you do that,   ant as showing up to your job to play. I’m lucky to
 ence for you to be able to play with them.   music.  all you’re going to do is be in a tribute band. You do   know people around here that get me gigs, but if
 TG: Oh yeah, he gave the best advice, and would   it enough, and people will question if you can write   I moved to a new town, I would have to do more
 support anybody trying to do something, and he   ZPG: Do you think music brings together   music or can do anything for yourself. I’m not good   social media. I was playing music before social
 could do it 10,000 times better. It was very special.   more than any other medium?  at learning a song note-for-note. I want to change it.   media became the way that you promoted yourself.
 Charley Baker, Joe McKinney, Josh Smith were like   TG: Yes. It touches back to your soul. If you connect   That’s the nature of how I’ve ended up playing. I do   I started with pieces of paper and posters. I was
 that too. A lot of people have given me a lot of chanc-  with music, you’ll seek out places where you can con-  what feels comfortable to me, and it’s going down the   approached by a record label executive but short-
 es. I try not to take it for granted, and I try to help   nect with it. So, you’ll be around a bunch of souls with   path of becoming an artist. Although, I haven’t taken   ly into the conversation, he wanted me to cut my
 them out if I can. We can ask each other for help.  the same type of vibe. Music brings people together   the plunge to really become an artist yet.  hair, change my clothes, and my sound. So, I left
 that already share something in common and don’t                  because with my guitar I can be just as I am.
 even realize it. Then they can become as close as they   ZPG: Do you ever get bored with singing
 want after that. I think that’s apparent in any kind of   the same songs all the time?  ZPG: Through your connections with
 music, no matter what it is. No matter if you like it or   TG: Sometimes, but you always have to remember   other talented musicians around Jack-
 not, if there’s a movement of it, people are connecting.  that it might be your last time playing. If someone   son, I’ve seen you pop up on my social
        keeps requesting the same song, I’ll just change it. I’ll   media several times.
 ZPG: How does it feel when you look out at   do it funky, or bluesy. As long as the words are some-  TG: To be honest, that’s basically what I’ve used.
 your audience and it’s full of different races,   what right, they don’t mind. No matter if I’m playing   I’ve let the people of Facebook be my Facebook.
 ages, genders, and all kinds of diversity?  at a nursing home or on a big stage, I remember that   I don’t like to promote myself. I like to play my gui-
 ZPG: Just for fun, Tyler, if you could go on   TG: It feels good because I realize I’m not pi-  the reason I’m there is to entertain people. The oth-  tar. I don’t want to put my banner up and promote
 tour with any musician or band, living or   geon-holed to one thing. I play older music, and it’s   er reason is to connect with people, make them feel   myself. But I know I will eventually have to. It
 dead, who would you go with?   usually people that grew up listening to it that hang   happy if they're sad, even if I never know about it.   would take someone encouraging me to promote
 TG: Honestly, I would have loved to go on tour with   around, but young people listen to it too. If the music   That’s why I’m there. If I’m on tour and no one comes   myself because my head is in my guitar.
 the Allman brothers, Duane and Greg. They had   is good, and somebody’s soul likes it, it doesn’t matter   to hear me but two people, I’m going to do the same
 such a special sound, but it wasn’t just the music.   what race, nationality, or whatever they are. That goes   thing I do for 5,000 people. If you don’t like playing
 They created Southern Rock and it grew, so the   out the window and that soul connection starts hap-  a song, you’re being selfish, like you want the crowd
 audience became a family, and you knew you were in   pening, and then it’s like you’ve got a new brother. It’s   to want you to play something you want. You can’t be
 good hands wherever you went. It’s not just the show,   way more powerful than looking at the outside.  a selfish musician and get real far. We must cater to   Keep up with
 it’s before, and after, and going home and talking   what people like.     Tyler Goodson
 about it, and planning for the next one.
        ZPG: Do you ever throw an original song in
 ZPG: Do you think there is a genuine con-  the mix?
 nection between music and the soul?  TG: Oh yeah. And I don’t ever say it’s my original
 TG: Yes. If you have a soul that feels music, you’re   song unless they clap for it. I’ve had a group of peo-
 going to be connected whether you play an instru-  ple come out and request my original, because they
 ment or not, that’s what you’ll be driven to. You’ll al-  kept hearing me play it, and I finally told them it was

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