Page 159 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 159

I started on guitar at age 10 and never stopped. My dad  Absolutely! Instruments and arrangements when done
        tried to teach me some stuff when I first started, but he  a certain way, is something you can literally feel inside,
        was a lefty and literally played a right-handed guitar   and it will make the hairs on the back of your neck
        upside down. Dad left the strings the same and learned  stand up. It invokes such a strong emotional response.
        chords in the inverse pattern. Trying to learn playing   Lyrically and musically, it speaks to our emotional
        from him was a major challenge because he played       states and usually heightens your perspective. That is
        everything in reverse. Everyone that saw him play was   why people choose to listen to certain songs or bands
        impressed.                                             when they are happy or sad, to feed the soul and
                                                               enhance that emotion. There have been studies on the
 Staring Down the Future.  ZGP: What is your prominent genre of mu-  direct correlations between the frequencies of music

                                                               and the frequencies of our own bodies.  Also, in Mu-
        sic? Why?
 By Josh Johnson  My genres that I play and listen to are Heavy Metal,   sic Theory it is known that all scales, harmonies, and
        rock, and many of its sub genres along with some pop   chords, when broken down, are literally algebraic for-
        influence. These genres truly showcase the depth and   mulas. Music encompasses a universal tool that speaks
        originality that music can offer. Many of the bands    across cultures, souls, species, and even the stars.
        embodied musical works that span from classical com-
        positions to the blues and everything in between. These  ZGP: Can the world learn something from
        genres have reinvented the guitar in ingenious ways    the harmonious relationships between notes
        that no one had thought possible. Robert Johnson, Jimi  that played alone wouldn’t sound as glori-
        Hendrix, Jimmy Page, and Eddie Van Halen are prime     ous?
        examples. When they first hit the scene, nobody had    In music, we can be as simple or as complex in our
 Josh Johnson knows music and perhaps knows personal conflict just as well; ZGP Magazine asked for   ever heard the guitar used in such a dynamic, emotion- arrangements as we see fit. The forms of expression are
 his insight on both. Johnson found freedom when God removed the substance-laden chains around   al, and expressive way before. Their innovative way of   limitless. Harmony gives music depth and character.
 him. He has dedicated his life to helping ease the suffering of others; in whatever challenges life   playing helped shape and evolve the guitar into what   It gives a song weight and density in its structure that
 holds for them. Life for the recovering addict can still get rocky, but learning to take one day at a   we know today. When I first saw Van Halen on MTV   brings the listener closer to the songwriter’s feelings.
 time can make all the difference. Ironically, by stepping into each day renewed, he stares down his   perform “Jump,” his playing blew me away. I have been  We are even going as far to blend genres with musical
                                                               pairings that one would not think would fit together
        chasing those tones ever since!
 bright future with fierce determination.                      but do. Rap, Rock, Metal, Blues, Classical, Opera, and
        ZGP; Who are your musical influences?                  Country have been thrown together so many times
        I have a love and affinity for most music, mainstream,   it is now considered very normal, and at times banal,
        and obscure underground bands. David Byrne of The      because some styles have been excessively used due to
 ZGP: Where are you from? What was it like   memory and a daily part of life in my house. At the age   Talking Heads, Bryan Ferry of Roxi Music, Led Zep-  its popularity in society and world cultures. Why is it
 growing up there?  of 3, I remember being in awe of my grandfather play-  pelin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, the   that we are so accepting of blending different genres of
 I am from St. Mary's County, Maryland from a small   ing the harmonica. My dad was a musician and learned   list goes on. Chuck Schuldiner of Death was a huge   music but not that of our own fellow man? Why can’t
 town called Morganza, where most of my family still   to play piano from his mother at a young age and he   influence on me as a lead guitarist, but also Ihshan of   we appreciate the diversity and complexity in our daily
 resides. It was a type of place where everybody knows   played in many different bands all his life. Every day,   Emperor, who is a legend for his arrangements and   lives, instead of chastising others for their differences?
 everybody or is related. It was a very tight knit commu-  he sang and played music on keyboards, guitar, bass, as   symphonic pairings with metal. Of course, Eddie Van   We still have a lot to learn from music’s dynamic inclu-
 nity of farmers and blue-collar workers. Outsiders were   well as a bit on the drums too. He was in a band with   Halen and Hendrix. I sing, so Layne Staley and Jerry   siveness and harmonious partnerships.
 tolerated but rarely accepted. Some places were still so   his brother and best friend so I would always watch as   Cantrell of Alice In Chains were tremendous influences
 remote that you could almost consider them frontier   they would practice in the basement of my house.  on me as their unique duel vocal harmonies. Growing   ZGP: Is vulnerability inherent in music?
 type towns as lawlessness and wild people still had a   up, Johnny Cash, as outlaw country was big in my fam- There is a power in being accepted and a
 place on the outskirts of society. Very conservative;   My mother was also quite fond of different types of   ily. The metal community has one of the most interest-  power in being unaccepted, music can be
 Gods, guns, and country was the motto. Every event   music, she had such an appreciation for it and would   ing, dedicated, inclusive and diverse fan bases. Doesn't  quite risky? Can we learn something positive
 was a huge get together with family and friends. We   constantly turn me on to other artists, as well as en-  matter who you are, where you’re from, if you listen to   from such vulnerability?
 were famous for having the most bars in a square mile   courage my musical development along with my father.   metal, you're a part of the collective.   I think that the vulnerability lies solely with the listener
 radius within the union.  I have a cousin and an Uncle on my dad’s side who   in terms of how it opens us up to other realms of imag-
 also play. My mother’s father and brother played and   ZGP: Is there a genuine connection between  ination, possibilities, and romanticism. There we allow
 ZGP: When did music start for you?   sang, so it was common at any family gathering to have   music and the soul? Is it transformative? In
 Music runs in the blood. Music was my first childhood   instruments, music, and singalongs.   what way?  Continued Next Page

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