Page 183 - July ONLINE VERSION
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Pawesome                                 Picks

 Smiles are baked right   Hannah has just collapsed on   "The Girl from Yamhill" is
 into this coffee table book.   stage during a college play and   written in Beverly Cleary's
 White Star has provided   will emotionally collapse from   usual straightforward, humor-
 “365 Reasons for Smiling”   the tragic news she is about to   ous manner, even as she wrote
 with hundreds of goofy and   receive. Eric Wilson will weave   about her times of struggle.
 cheerful images of animals,   the reader through regression,   It's a revealing look at lifestyle
 children, and other crazy   Kimberly Williams-Paisley   recovery, and ultimately  I mean, who wouldn’t want   differences between Cleary's   T.A.M.B. of Jackson,
 things.   allows the reader into the    redemption in the novel  a grizzly bear as a warm and   Great Depression-era and ours,   Tennessee, Incorporated
 light and the darkness    “October Baby.”    fuzzy friend? At least we can   and it gives insight into events   (Aspell) has a history much like that
 surrounding her mother’s   live vicariously through   that sparked her desire to be a   of its clients. It is a past filled with
 battle with dementia.   Charlie Hall’s hilarious and            writer.               setbacks, obstacles, and dark times.
 “Where The Light Gets In”   heartwrenching friendship                               However, like those living in recovery,
 is one of the most honest   with Emory in W. Bruce                                   Aspell has overcome these challenges
    depictions of dementia    Cameron’s novel, “Emory’s                                 by remaining faithful to a Higher
 for the patient and the    GIft.”                                                      Power. Tammy Yosich chronicles
 family.                                                                              Aspell's history perfectly in the book
                                                                                               "Beacon of Hope."

 So grab a “cup of Joe”, or Joe himself and enjoy

  a great read or six.

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