P. 74

her not to text and drive because she was swerving.      sister too. She is an abstract artist whose grasp of
        It wasn't an accident. She complained of a stomach       texture and color theory are awesome. She’s on insta-
        ache, fell asleep on her mom’s bed and never woke        gram: @papp_art_online.
        up. Heart failure is often mistaken for stomach flu,
        since the blood is being pumped to the stomach. She      I have carried Grandma and Amber with me, even in
        was 17.                                                  places I didn’t intend to. I've gotten in car accidents
                                                                 (due to my own crazy driving) like Amber. I've writ-
        Amber loved kids, and had applied for a job to be-       ten poetry about my grandma as I reflect how like
        come a daycare worker before she passed away. She        her I have become. Everything I do carries pieces of
        was so looking forward to it, and I remember telling     them with me.
        her that she was perfect for the job. She told me many
        times that she was going to babysit my child, when-      Their kindness lives on even after
        ever we had one. She never got a chance to babysit       they are gone.
        for us.

        Gone, but Always Here

        It’s not all sad though. Amber seemed to know that.
        She was joyful and fun-loving. She was also a poet                     Jennifer Wallace
        and deep thinker who had suffered several emotional        Art-appreciating boba fiend. Loves
        traumas… things that would have crippled me. Her
        death hit me hard, because I loved her dearly and it             Jesus, family, and friends.
        felt unfair that she died at such a young age.

        Grief has always felt violent to me like the ripping
        away of an important appendage. It has taken de-
        cades for me to realize that grief is the imprint from
        someone who was well-loved. To put it in the words
        of a well-known synthezoid, “What is grief, if not
        love persevering?”

        Amber had given our firstborn her first gift, long be-
        fore we even conceived her. She’d brought a Sponge-
        bob Squarepants bib to the bridal shower to tease me
        for accidentally calling it my “baby shower.” I wept
        when I made the connection.

        The day of Amber’s funeral, I saw what appeared to
        be waves of people, all making their way into the
        church. Most of them were late; fitting, since Amber
        herself had trouble being on time. I was in awe that
        one person could touch so many lives; astounded
        how she effortlessly made everyone feel special.

        My grandma has left her imprint on me as well. I                                                                            HUB CITY BREWING
        am a writer and a poet - two things I wouldn’t be if
        it hadn’t been for her. I still love fairy tales, classical
        music, and the arts. Acting and musical theater are
        huge passions of mine. Love of art translated to my                                                                                                                                                   250 WEST MAIN STREET
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