Page 19 - wellness Business Directory
P. 19
Building a Stronger
Trusted, quality hair Business Community of
care in the community Nigerians and Canadians
for over 20 years.
We offer:
Advertising, Business Plan
Development, Social Media
Our products are fast acting Marketing, Personal and Small
remedies for many skin business Tax Services, Credit
problems like acne, dark Counseling, Small Business
spots, eczema, uneven skin Funding and access to key
tone; stretch marks, aging professionals in the industry*
skin, psoriasis and more
Black Dollars Matter is a movement
and network for Black-owned Focused on lighting that matters;
businesses and the Black community innovative and environmentally
across Canada. The goal is to conscious lighting
circulate dollars in the community, Proving reliable service,
help businesses become more installation and consultation
successful by being more visible to It’s all connected
the wider community. We care how you see the world