Page 2 - portfolio martraire 2019
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Sophie Martraire
                                                        PRODUCT DESIGNER

                        +33 06 99 68 10 75                  21 Bis rue Camille Desmoulins                     29th april 1985
                          94230 Cachan - FRANCE                           French Driver License B

                    CURIOUS                            Experience
                   DYNAMIC                             RENAULT DESIGN _France (78)_ Component Senior Designer
                 TEAM SPIRIT                           September 2013 - Today

                                                       - Create and develop modules and transversal parts for Renault and Dacia.
                                                       - Understand Ingeneers, ergonomic constraints, product demands and cost issues.
                                                       - Insure the development of Designs making team with 3D modelers, class A modelers
           Education                                   and quality design.
                                                       - Make Automotive / Products benchmarks to understand the needs and stay alert.
                                                       - Follow subcontracted mockups and modelisation.
        2004 - 2009                                    - Guarantee the graphical / color&trim and haptic aspect of each Design.
        Master degree Industrial Design                - Accompagny trainees / junior designers and communicate around my job / company.
        _France (59)_

        International School of Design                 TEACHER / SPEAKER
        - Product option                               October 2014 - Today _France (75)_ STRATE SCHOOL OF DESIGN
                                                       - Communicate on my job / company.
                                                       - Accompagny students during tranportation workshops.
        Scientific bachelor's degree
        _France (69)_                                  CAIMAN DESIGN _France (92)_ Product & UX/UI junior Designer
        Jean Moulin High School                        March 2013 - June 2013
        - Physical chemistry option                    - Create and develop product and graphic Designs.
                                                       - Follow subcontracted mockups.
                                                       - Partcicpate to client meetings from breefing to concepts communication.

                                                       GEONAUTE _France (59)_ Product junior Designer
                                                       June 2012 - October 2012
        English > fluent                               - Create and develop product and graphic Designs.

        TOEIC - Score : 920 pts                        - Make 3D modelings and renderings.
                                                       - Guarantee the graphical / color&trim aspect of each Design.
        Rhinocéros : modelisation                      FREELANCE DESIGN _France (94)_ Product & UX/UI junior Designer
        Hypershot : rendering                          January 2012 - September 2013

        2D                                             - GROUPE SEB : UX / UI Design.
                                                       - THE SAME OLD CLUB : UX / UI Design and webdesign.
        Illustrator CS6 / CC
        Photoshop CS6 / CC
                                                       GROUPE SEB _France (21)_ Product junior Designer
                                                       March 2009 - November 2010
               Awards                                  - Create and develop product and Interactive Designs.
                                                       - Make 3D modelings, renderings and story boards.
        REDDOT DESIGN AWARDS                           - Guarantee the graphical / color&trim aspect of each Design.
                                                       - Insure Internal communication.
        March 2012 - UX/UI Design                      - Follow subcontracted mockups and modelisation.
        - MOULINEX _ Cookeo                            - Create Concept Boards for consumer tests.
        - KRUPS _ Barista

                                                       PACKARDBELL _France (92)_ Product junior Designer (internship)
        OBSERVEUR DESIGN                               September 2007 - February 2008
        2015                                           - Create and develop product and Interactive Designs.
        FIVES _ eADU                                   - Guarantee the graphical / color&trim aspect of each Design.
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