Page 3 - Harry The Hero
P. 3
Note to grown-ups (and information spies);
Wow, tough being a grown up sometimes isn’t it! We often forget that we are grown-ups
until something crazy happens and we have to be all ‘responsible’ and ‘boooring’, as well
as know all the answers!!
Well, firstly you’re doing an A-MAZ-ING job! We are both parents (five off shoots
between us no less) and we know first hand what a strange time this is for the whole
family (although our pets are having a great time!).
We are behavioural performance coaches, that’s just a fancy way of saying we help
people get really, really excellent at their job, sports, relationships or anything else they
want to be really great at! Like, being the best parent they can be.
So, we wrote this story with compassion and passion for you as much as we did for your
little super heroes.
Here’s a few ways you could use this story to give your family more resources during
this weird and potentially wonderful time;
- Read it to them every day (Unless they can read of course and then they will want
to read it to you!)
- Encourage them to ask questions (Oh, and remember to give them your full
attention when they do!)
- If their questions start with “Why”, they are being an information spy! (That’s a
really good thing!)
- Do the song and dance, moving their body changes how they feel for the better (you
could join in too?)
- Use the book as a toolkit, get it back out any time you need your children to alter
their behaviour (Or simply, start the dance by saying, “Now, now my dear” …they’ll
soon join in)
Finally, be curious and notice how behaviour changes, when you open your mind to the
world of possibility that lays before us, see – do – get, you should never forget.