Page 3 - SEM
P. 3
Seram Category- NSG 5
A Works completed in the last three years (Rs. In '000s)
Sl.No Name of work PH 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 SC Division- Provision of Divyang facilities at D,E, F category stations PA 500
2 Provision of Energy efficient lighting in waiting hall concourse and PA 750
platform area including glow signages, water coolers
3 Provn of 3 seater steel perforated chairs at stations at open PA 572
waiting halls under COP of stations over SC div
4 Chittapur - Provision of CIBs at SEM Station. PA 4000
PA Total 5822
5 Construction of Type-II Railway to be constructed at Seram station SW 26588
for staff working in Commercial, Electrical (TRD) and engg dept-22
SW Total 26588
B Works in Progress (Rs. In '000s)
Year of
sanc Name of work PH Cost TDC Remarks
2020-21 Seram~SEM- Construction of new outpost building for RPF staff at Work is in
OSW 9300 Mar'22
Seram. progress
Summary(Fig in Rs.000's)
PH Completed In progress Total
PA 5822 0 5822
SW 26588 0 26588
OSW 0 9300 9300
Total 32410 9300 41710