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Earnings of Engineering dept increased by Rs. 4.80 Cr compared to the COPPY. Sundry earnings

                        of Commercial dept increased marginally by Rs. 0.15 Cr compared to COPPY.
                   3.3   Implementation of User depot module; APAR module of HRMS; issue of Passes through HRMS;

                        processing of PF payment through HRMS and IPAS.
                   3.4.  SAVINGS ACHIEVED IN   INTERNAL CHECK
                             In the internal check of Establishment bills, Finance and Expenditure proposals, Settlement and
                        Miscellaneous bills, the savings achieved is given below.
                        Total Savings in 2019-20                            :     Rs.  23.33 crs

                        Total Savings in 2020-21                            :     Rs.  11.94 crs

                        Total Savings in 2021-22                            :    Rs.   11.66 crs
                             (Upto Oct 21)

                   3.5   SETTLEMENT CASES
                          266 Normal retirement cases and 327 other than Normal retirement cases for the period April’21
                        to Oct ’21 have been settled to end of October 2021. With regard to miscellaneous settlement

                        bills, 341 bills were received and settled in this office to end of October 2021.
                   3.6  COMPLETION REPORTS

                         A total of 44 Completion Reports have been verified from April’21 to   October 2021.
                  4.   SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS
                    1.  Digitalization of Pension records, resulting in reduction of disposal of CP Grams/RTI/Grievances.
                    2.  Self-Appraisal of Group ‘C’ (APAR) has been implemented in HRMS.

                    3.   Issuing of e-Passes and PTOs in HRMS has resulted in prompt issue of Passes and PTOs which has
                        facilitated in effortless booking of tickets through IRCT
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