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grandchildren may be forever secure   to convert to Islam, he thought that he              king of Kedah who converted to Islam   envoy to Java to ask the Sultan of Demak
                                      and safe on the royal throne in the   had adopted a foreign element in his life.           and later changed his name to Sultan   for armies to support him. The Sultan
                                      land of Patani, Abode of Peace.” Then   Although he had chosen Islam as his                Mudzaffar Shah. Ever since, Sheikh     would readily come to his assistance if
                                      Sheikh Sa`id gave the eldest son     religion, he limited himself to no longer             Abdullah Yamani acted as the local     the prince would convert to Islam. When
                                      the name of Sultan Mudhaffar Syah,   worshipping idols and eating pork, but                community’s teacher of the Qur’an and   the prince told of his readiness to do so,
                                      and the middle one, the daughter, he   he did not discontinue the rest of his              all other knowledge related to the 5   supporting armies arrived accompanied
                                      gave the name of Sitti `A’isyah, and   pagan habits.                                       pillars of Islam. The news about the King   by Khatib Dayyan, an influential person
                                      the youngest son he gave the name                                                          of Kedah’s conversion to Islam spread all   who took care of the conversion. Prince
                                      of Sultan Manzur Syah. After Sheikh   Hikayat Marong Mahawangsa                            over the kingdom, and everywhere the   Samudra embraced Islam and after
                                      Sa`id had finished naming the children   The Hikayat Marong Mahawangsa                     people hastened to embrace Islam. Having   him, his aides did the same. When he
                                      of the king, the king bestowed on    (Kedah Annals) tells that in the region               successfully converted Kedah, Sheikh   had conquered Nagara-Daha, he was
                                      Sheikh Sa`id a large quantity of gold   of Kedah (now part of Malaysia), Islam             Abdullah Yamani returned to Baghdad. 10  crowned and he took the name Sultan
                                      and silver and a great variety of    was probably spread by Sheikh Abdullah                                                       Suriansyah. He became the first Muslim
                                      beautiful fabrics. Then Sheikh Sa`id   Yamani who successfully convinced                   Hikayat Banjar                         sultan. The Hikayat says the following
                                      respectfully took his leave of the   King Phra Ong Mahawangsa to convert                                                          about this: “After Pangeran Samudra set
                                      king and returned to his home in the   to Islam. Sheikh Abdullah Yamani was                This story starts in the beginning of the   up his court in Banjarmasin he became
                                      religious centre of Kampong Pasai.   a disciple of Sheikh Abdullah Baghdad                 16  century when Prince Samudra had    a Muslim. He was converted by the
                                                                                                                                 built a new palace in Banjarmasin. In the
                                      At that time it was only the subjects   who was said to have been a holy man               Hikayat Banjar (The Banjar Chronicles),   religious leader (panghulu) of Demak”.
                                      within the town who became Muslim,   whose prayers were efficacious and                    the Islamization of Banjar took place   Because Sultan Suriansyah converted,
                                      but of all the subjects outside the area   were always fulfilled. Sheikh Abdullah          after Pangeran Samudra’s rebellion     many people also went over to Islam, and
                                      of the town proper not one became    Yamani was very good at reading the                   against his uncle, Prince Tumanggung,   especially with the extensive support he
                                      a Muslim. As for the king himself    Qur’an and in explaining the meaning                  who held ground in Nagara-Daha. Prince   had received, Islam grew massively and
                                      it is true that he became a Muslim   of its contents. One day, he visited King             Samudra claimed his right as the ruler as   flourished in the region. 12
                                      inasmuch as he gave up worshipping   Phra Ong Mahawangsa and the king                      it had been the wish of his grandfather
                                      idols and eating pork; but apart from   told him that he had had an incident               who had previously handed down the     Javanese Traditional
                                      that he did not alter a single one of his   with the chief of the devils. After having     kingdom to him. Adopting his aides’    Historiography
                                      heathen habits.9                     related what he had experienced and                   advice, Prince Samudra dispatched an   In Java, Islamization tends to be the

                                   The quotes above describe an early      who he was, Sheikh Abdullah Yamani                    10.  Marong Mahawangsa: The Kedah Annals,   main theme of texts from the early period
                                   process of Islamization in the Malay    invited King Phra Ong Mahawangsa to                   (translated from a Malayan text by James Low
                                   world. When the king of Patani decided   convert to Islam. The King agreed at                 (publisher/??? 1908), p. 111, 166, as quoted by   11.  J.J. Ras, Hikajat Bandjar: A Study in Malay
                                                                                                                                                                        Historiography, (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,
                                                                           once and he converted to Islam followed               Jones in “Ten Conversion Myths from Indonesia”
                                   9.  A. Teeuw & D.K. Wyatt, Hikayat Patani, The                                                … p. 146-147. See also Dzulkifli bin Mohd. Salleh   1968), pp. 439.
                                   Story of Patani, (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,   by the queen and his subjects. King          (ed.) Hikayat Marong Mahawangsa (Kuala Lumpur:   12.  J.J. Ras, Hikajat Bandjar), pp. 426-441; Jones,
                                   1970), 2 vols. Vol. 2:148-152.          Phra Ong Mahawangsa was the first                     Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1968).       “Ten Conversion Myths from Indonesia”…p. 146-7.

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