Page 74 - ALL
P. 74

Do you want to read a         Yes,           No,            Are you sure?
                 book?                         teacher. I     teacher.
                                               want to
                                               read a                        You may read a book
                                               book.                         if you want.

                                               Yes,                          Let’s read a book.
                                               May I read
                                               a book?                       What do you want to

                 Do you want to take a         Yes,           No,            Are you sure?
                 break?                        teacher. I     teacher.
                                               want to
                                               take a                        Are you not tired?

                                                                             You may take a break,
                                               Yes,                          if you want.
                                               May I take
                                               a break?                      Let’s take a break.

                                                                             What do you want to

                 Do you want to play           Yes,           No,            Are you sure?
                 with some toys?               teacher. I     teacher.
                                               want to
                                               play with                     Are you not bored?
                                               some toys
                                               / games.
                                                                             You may play with
                                                                             some toys / games, if
                                               Yes,                          you want.
                                               May I play                    Let’s play with some
                                               with some                     toys/games.
                                               toys /                        What do you want to
                                               games?                        do?

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