Page 15 - 2024-04 Resource Guide
P. 15

Funeral Directors

                 Dan Adams                        Taylor Ivie                   Kristin Mulhall

        Dan started his funeral service career   Taylor was born  and raised in Mack-  Kristin  was  raised  in  Northern  Utah.
        in 2014 at a funeral home in Texas. He   ay, Idaho and graduated from Mackay   Following  her  graduation  from  Ogden
        graduated with his degree in Mortuary   High School before pursuing a degree   High School, she pursued her academic
        Science  from  the  Dallas  Institute  of   in Business from Idaho State University.   aspirations  at  Weber  State  University,
        Funeral Service and served the fami-  While  in school  she began  her career   focusing her studies on Business Ad-
        lies of North Texas for six years before   in funeral service working at a funeral   ministration. Kristin served, with pride,
        moving to Idaho to be closer to his   home in 2016.              in the United States Air Force.
        children and grandchildren.
                                         Taylor earned her degree in Mortuary   Post-military service Kristin transitioned
        Dan enjoyed a nineteen-year career in   Science from Des Moines Area Commu-  into the public sector, offering her exper-
        wireless telecom before coming to fu-  nity College in 2020. Taylor feels hon-  tise to the State of Utah. Subsequently,
        neral service. Dan’s grandfather owned   ored to serve families and their loved   she made a strategic career move to Las
        a funeral home in  Arizona  where he   ones  in  their  time  of  need  and  looks   Vegas, where she discovered fulfillment
        would spend the summers of his youth   forward to the opportunity to serve her   as a compassionate Funeral Director
        “helping”. Seeing how his grandfather   community.               and Celebrant, guiding families through
        cared for  his  community and served                             periods of bereavement with empathy.
        each family with  compassion  planted   In her free time, Taylor enjoys traveling,
        the seeds that would  eventually  lead   playing the piano, reading, and spend-  In  2023,  Kristin  embarked  on  a  new
        Dan to funeral service.          ing time with her family.       professional chapter, relocating to Ida-
                                                                         ho  to  join  the  esteemed  Wilks  Team,
        Dan and his wife Dee are blessed with                            where  she  enjoys  serving  the  won-
        two children and several grandchildren                           derful families and their loved ones of
        all  of whom live in  Pocatello.  Family                         Southeastern Idaho.
        gatherings and spoiling  grandkids  are
        Dan’s favorite pastimes. Dan looks for-                          Kristin  and  her  husband,  Mike,  have
        ward to serving the families of south-                           three amazing sons and 2 spoiled dogs.
        east Idaho for many years to come.                               They  enjoy  spending  time  together,
                                                                         cheering on their favorite sports teams,
                                                                         enjoying  nature,  and  traveling.  In  her
                                                                         spare time, Kristin also enjoys garden-
                                                                         ing, crafting, and reading.

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