Page 166 - 10-21-2019 Final Chinese Edition, the Book with Ch. 46 Added by James H Hong. (1)
P. 166

127.       蕭敬騰: 1. 王妃 2. 決絕的信仰

               128.       Taylor Swift: 1. Love Story

               129.       陶喆: 一念之間

               130.       林宥嘉: 浪費

               131.       那些年我們一起追的女孩

               132.       張震嶽: 1. 思念是一種病 2. 愛我別走

                   TV Show:

                   Mr. Bean

                   Jamie Oliver, Curtis Stone, Ramsay
                   Mars 戰神

                   瑰寶 1949

                   -1 水滸傳


                   Death Note


                   0. 射鵰英雄傳 2017

                   1. 必娶女人

                   2. Running Man
                   3. iCarly
                   4. CMT

                   5. Gilmore Girls
                   6. Fresh off the Boat
                   7. Agents of Shield
                   8. Hawaii 5-0 2nd season

                   9. Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas)
                   10. Friends
                   11. Heroes

                   12. Avatar the Last Airbender
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