Page 123 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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(HR),  Shri.  N.  Sadish  Babu,  the  nominated  Chief
                                                                Executive  Officer,  COVID-19  has  been    conferred
                                                                with  special  powers  for  enabling  expeditious  and
                                                                effective implementation of all containment and
                                                                control measures by mobilisation of all resources on
                                                                a fast tracking mode.

                                                                Terms  of  reference  of  COVID-19  SMG,  include
                                                                designing of short term, medium term and long
                                                                term responses  required to maintain constant
                                                                and continuous watch on all developments  of the
                                                                outbreak of the epidemic and to recommend  and
                                                                implement remedial and containment measures in
            like sanitation, public lighting and other necessary   line with the advisories, guidelines and instructions
            requirements. In this hour of crisis, the Company has   of the GoI.
            been able to keep its head above the water to meet
            the Power requirements of the country, in tandem    NLCIL’s Containment Action Plan
            with the other Power PSEs.                          In order to prevent and stem the spread  of the
                                                                pandemic, the company has accorded  highest
            With  utmost  agility  and  a  sense  of  urgency,  the   priority for maintaining a constant state of alertness
            Company  has  undertaken  several  measures,        in its Townships and has created widespread
            focused at  prevention, containment and mitigation   awareness among the employees and the local
            of the disease, in strict adherence to the advisories,   community.  Further,  various  activities  such  as
            guidelines and instructions issued by the GoI from   awareness on hand and respiratory hygiene
            time to time as well as voluntary measures,  to     practices to be adopted, social distancing measures,
            stem  the  progression  of  the  pandemic,  COVID-19   re-organising the health care system by cutting
            in its track and to protect its workforce and the   down  regular  OPD  appointments  in  the  Hospital,
            neighboring communities against it.                 restricting unnecessary  visits to the Hospital for
                                                                consultations to maintain infection control, have
            Formation of Strategic Management Group
            (COVID-19 SMG)                                      been  undertaken.The  Company’s  Hospital  in  the
                                                                township has been reoriented to create quarantine
            Leading  from  the  front,  NLCIL-  COVID-19  –     facilities, Isolation wards for management of severe
            Strategic  Management  Group  was  constituted,     cases who require ventilator support. Augmention
            immediately,  with  the  Chairman-Cum-Managing      of  resources  like  PPEs,  essential  medical  supplies,
            Director, Shri  Rakesh Kumar at the helm, alongwith   emergency medicines, training of doctors in COVID
            all  Functional  Directors  and  CVO,  viz.,S/Shri   and  ventilator  management  inviting  experts  from
            R.Vikraman,  Director  (HR),  N.N.M.  Rao,  Director   State Government Medical College have also been
            (P&P),  Prabhakar  Chowki,  Director  (Mines),  Shaji   effectively resorted to.
            John,  Director  (Power),  Jaikumar  Srinivasan,
            Director (Finance) and Venkatasubramanian, CVO.     Compliance of Government Guidelines for
            The  SMG  is  available  24/7  to  render  guidance  in
            implementing  the  carefully  drawn  ‘COVID-19      In  adherence  to  the  Government  instructions,
            Epidemic Management Plan’ and hand-holding the      the  Company  has  issued  detailed  guidelines  for
            NLCIL team at every step. The Executive Director    Workplace safety of COVID-19 cases, with focus on

            96    Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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