Page 131 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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centres in containment and non-containment zones    Usual, subject, of course, to  considerations being
            in a staggered  manner to bring economy  back       given to the geographical spread of COVID-19 in
            on track.                                           the country and regions where we operate as well
                                                                as guidelines/advisories by GoI/State Govt./Local
            In this regard, NLCIL has developed a comprehensive   Administration/MHA/MoHFW etc.
            document  on  Exit  Strategy  from  lockdown  in  a
            staggered/ phase wise manner and plan for business   Conclusion
            rehabilitation,  optimization  and  ramping  up  of   NLCIL has taken prompt and effective steps, under
            business activities in order to achieve 100% operational   the able leadership of its top Management Team, to
            and administrative efficiency. This is being delineated   prevent,  contain  and  manage  the  COVID-19  crisis,
            among employees for strict compliance.              while maintaining uninterrupted power supply
                                                                for essential services, hence rendering its humble
            The  document  spells  out  in  detail  about  the  exit   contribution  to  the  Nation.  Team  NLCIL,  remains
            strategy which NLCIL will adopt for a calibrated    committed to join the efforts of the GoI in this hour of
            and  safe  exit  from  the  lockdown  for  Business-as-  crisis and continue to serve the nation in the true spirit
                                                                of Seva, invoking for the welfare of all global citizens,
                                                                the essence of  the ancient  Sanskrit welfare mantra :
                                                                          Ma KaschidDukhBhaagBhavet”,
                                                                                   which means:
                                                                                 ‘May all be happy,
                                                                            May all be free from illness,
                                                                           May all see what is auspicious,
                                                                                 May no one suffer’.

            104   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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