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through STS  operation ensuring uninterrupted        even during the lockdown period, to ensure safety
            Panna field production.                              of vessel & crew and in order to maintain the vessel
                                                                 in operational condition.
            The Bulk Carriers have been engaged in importing
            and  moving coal  along the Indian  coast  playing   Where  certain  goods/services  could  not  be
            a  pivotal  role  in  ensuring  that  Coal  is  available   connected during call of the vessel at a certain port
            for  power generation companies.  Some  have         due to lockdown, immediate arrangements were
            been carrying Limestone  and Iron Ore for steel      made  to  connect  these  goods  at  the  next  port  of
            manufacturing units and others are deployed with     call, by spot tendering and thus ensured that vessel
            the Department of Fertilizer for import of Urea, an   operations are unaffected.
            essential raw material for the agriculture.
                                                                 Seafarers’ commendable contribution to operations
            SCI through its owned LPG and through operation      of the shipping industry
            and  management  of  4  LNG  ships  in  joint  venture
            have  been  helping  the  country  meets  its  LPG  and   Crew  change  has  been  restricted  due  to  lockdown
            Natural Gas requirements.                            restrictions and the seafarers are unable to sign off,
                                                                 despite their being due for the same; however, their
            SCI’s liner services (overseas and coastal) continue to   patience and resilience in continuing to serve under
            operate through its owned and inchartered vessels    grave situations as these considering the nation’s
            despite reported turbulences at ports in terms of    plight serves as a pointer to their silent contributions
            limited availability  of labour, delays attributable   to the society at large, which remains unnoticed. SCI
            to  customs  and  clearance  of  documents.    Close   commends  their  fortitude,  courage  and  continued
            liaison and rapport with the agents have addressed   diligence in these testing times. SOPs are being drafted
            various ordeals in the most seamless manner as is    with  INSA  and  DGS  for  crew  change  in  present
            feasible under the circumstances.  SCI’s employees   COVID situation. Our shore officers are making all
            (including the seafarers) known for their diligence,   efforts and are in constant touch with ships ensuring
            integrity and preparedness to face trials have gone   safety of seafarers at sea and advisories are issued
            out of the way to mitigate the adversities and deliver.  to the vessels for safeguarding the interests of the
                                                                 seafarers in line with the DG, Shipping.
            Ensuring supply chain logistics which was
            adversely affected                                   Contribution to the trade fraternity  and the
                                                                 COVID-19 affected
            For the safety of entire crew on board our vessels,
            SCI has taken decision to ensure that all necessary   SCI  is  sympathetically  viewing  and  approving
            items  such  as  PPE,  masks,  sanitizers,  etc  related   requests for additional free days received from
            to protection from the  COVID-19 pandemic  are       consignees and cargo receivers with a view to ease
            connected to the vessels.                            port congestion, a result of the lockdown restrictions
                                                                 with practically no movement of containers/cargo
            SCI team has been in constant touch with all vendors   operations at port due to limited transport and labour,
            / suppliers and other authorities so that the spares,   in line with the directives received from Directorate
            stores, bunkers, etc are connected to all its vessels   General of Shipping and Ministry of Shipping.

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