Page 168 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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• If unavoidable, employees/ other contract • Those consultants who are above the age of 60
manpower needs to be on 14 days self-quarantine shall be encouraged to Work from Home.
on return, and apply leave for the quarantine Special instructions to Manpower contractors:
Canteen: Necessary instructions to be given to manpower
contractors on the following:
• Only 50% of the seating capacity to be utilized • The contract manpower supplied through the
while also maintaining 6 feet distance between manpower contractor shall necessarily follow
two seating. all the guidelines that are applicable for regular
• Extended Lunch timings shall be facilitated in employees.
order to avoid crowding of persons in canteen • The manpower contractor should check with
during lunch time. their manpower and ensure that the manpower
• Persons serving food shall necessarily wear hand had not moved outside Bengaluru before
gloves and masks. resumption of their duty at work place.
• The vehicle used for the purpose of bringing • In case, if they have moved outside, such
of food from Departmental canteen shall be manpower should not be deployed till they
sanitized regularly. finish their quarantine period.
Specific instructions to employees/ Consultants: Awareness campaign
• Those employees who had been outside An awareness campaign/programme had been
Bangalore, shall not resume duty immediately conducted at ANTRIX on 10 March 2020 for all
upon lifting of lockdown. the employees and contractual staff by hiring the
• All such employees shall quarantine themselves services of Dr. Padmashree S. Rao, NLP Practitioner
for a period of 14 days by applying leaves. and a Life Shield Trainer.
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