Page 195 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 195
Fighting Innovation, R&D and Technological
the Pandemic CWC has implemented e-office system during the
lockdown period which has enabled CWC unhindered
work during the lockdown period. All employees are
Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
using e-office which has helped in carrying out work
Rs. 5.77 Crore with the presence of minimum staff.
Payment to contractual workers Facility for marking touch less attendance through
during Lockdown period
mobile phone to avoid bio-metric attendance.
All employees including outsourced staff have
been paid monthly remuneration during lockdown CWC has conducted 150 virtual meetings which
period. Necessary Instruction in this regard has been have helped in practicing social distancing.
issued by the Corporate Office for compliance by all
the Regions. Preventive measures of the Organization
for the Employees
Social support to needy by All CWC work places are being regularly
providing food and shelter
sanitized. Employees have been provided with
CWC has provided free meals to passengers in one sanitizers. All employees are being thermally
Shramik Special Train. scanned. Vehicles entering CWC premises are
being sanitized. All employees have been made
Medical support to address health crisis
aware on the corona pandemic and precautions
As per the extant policy of the Corporation, Medical they should take through various circulars from
support is being provided to all its employees. time to time.
168 Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19