Page 202 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 202

except on dire necessity due to plant emergency.
            •  Issuances  of  Visitor’s  Gate  pass  and  any  New
              Gate  pass  have  been  stopped  except  for  most
              essential and un- avoidable cases directly related
              with the plant generation, safety etc.
            •  In Canteen, time slots have been divided between
              different sections to avoid mass gathering at one
              time.  More  spacing  between  tables/chairs  have
              been  made. It is being  ensured that  there  is no
              scarcity of food in the canteen and that everyone
              gets required quantity of food.
            •  The  employees  returning  back  after  LTA/long
              leave/official  tour/other  states  are  not  being
              allowed to join duty and are being advised to stay
              at home, under medical advice.
            •  All activities of clubs, welfare centres have been
              stopped  and  gathering in and  around  colony
              area  is  disallowed.  Proper  social  distancing  is
              maintained in colony activities.
                                                                projects and leaflets distributed along with miking
            Awareness Campaigns                                 for mass awareness about the seriousness  of the

            Posters/banners  have  been  displayed  at  various   COVID-19 threat and indicating Do’s & Don’ts to be
            locations  of  the  DVC  Corporate  Office  and  field   followed by every individual.

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