Page 211 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 211

/  frontline  healthcare  personnel  with  COVID-19   This is also a wearable Remote Monitoring device
            patients. ECIL developed a solution to overcome the   which  displays  Body  temperature, Saturation of
            current challenges for COVID-19 Screening at office   oxygen in blood, Heart Beat Rate and Respiratory
            premises.                                           Rate to the mobile phone/Tab/Laptop/desktop for
                                                                monitoring by doctors from any location.
            COVID-BEEP 2020
                                                                MONAL -2020
            The vital parameter of Corona positive or suspected
            patients can be remotely monitored by doctors from
            any location on their mobile phone/tab through
            web browser. The information of Body temperature,
            Saturation  of  oxygen  in  blood  (SpO2),  Heart  Beat
            Rate, Respiratory Rate, BP and Electro Cardiogram
            (ECG)  for  real  time  healthcare  support  to  needy
            patients in the present difficult situation.

                                                                Wearable Device Specifications:
                                                                 Health Parameter             Range    Accuracy
                                                                 Body Temperature (Fahrenheit)  95–110°F  < +/- 0.1%
                                                                 Heart Rate (Beats Per Minute)  60 to 149  < +/- 2 %
                                                                 Oxygen saturation SpO2       0 to     < +/- 2%
                                                                 Percentage                   100%
                                                                 Respiratory Rate (Breaths Per   10 to 30  < +/- 2
            Wearable Device Specifications:

             Health Parameter  Specifications                   Remote Health Monitoring System Salient
             Body  Temperature   95 – 110 °F; uncertainty: <+/- 0.1 %
             (Fahrenheit)                                       •  Facility for Registration of Patients, Doctors and
             Heart Rate (Beats   60 to 200 Beats per Minute;        Hospital Information.
             Per Minute)       uncertainty< +/- 2 %             •  Facility for allocation of patients to Doctors for

             Oxygen saturation   PPG, 0 to 100 %; uncertainty< +/-   effective monitoring.
             SpO2 Percentage   2%
                                                                •  Four  Levels  of  user  access  for  protection  of
             Respiratory       Bio Impedance, 10 to 30
             Rate(Breaths Per   uncertainty < +/-2                  patient information.
             Minute)                                            •  Facility  for  configurable  health  parameters  for
             ECG               Bio-potential sensing by surface     monitoring.
                               electrodes3 Leads, one at a time,   •  Hospital/Home/Cluster based Health monitor-
                               Input impedance >10 MΩ
             NIBP              Oscillometric method, Solid State   •  A Real-time Database Management System for
                               Pressure Sensor Rotary Diaphragm
                               Pump, Mountable Solenoid Valve       pandemics like COVID-19.
                               Max pressure: 250 mm-Hg, Avg.    •  Location Tracking through Bhuvan on-line
                               step height: 5 mm-Hg
                                                                    mapping portal/Google map.

            184   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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