Page 232 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 232

Awareness Campaigns                                     situation evolves  and the yard has prepared
            Advisory on containment of COVID-19 like Do’s &         plans for opening work fronts considering
            Don'ts, Videos on effective hand wash and proper        various scenarios of lifting of lockdown.
            sanitization  etc.  are  regularly  displayed  on  the   •  In the interim, all completed and installed
            digital display board to bring in awareness among       equipment/system  are regularly kept alive
            all the employees including contract workers.           and maintained with skeletal staff ensuring all
                                                                    precautions as required. This is also extended to
            Preventive Guidelines on COVID-19 are displayed         yard assets such that these are readily available
            on Boards erected at various prominent locations of     for  exploitation  as  and  when  the  lockdown  is
            the shipyard.                                           eased and work front can be opened to in-house
                                                                    and contracted workforce.
            Any Other Significant Measures taken by the         •  In order to ensure effective ‘Work from Home’,
                                                                    HoDs  and  key  personnel  have  been  provided
            Following  activities  have  been  undertaken  by  the   VPN access to carry-out essential work on SAP
            shipyard during the lockdown period (25 March –         & intranet. While doing so, adequate precautions
            03 May 2020):                                           have been taken to ensure the cyber security
            •  During  lockdown,  only  essential  services  and    of  the  IT  network.  NIC  E-mail  platform  is
               functions related to maintenance, sanitation,
               security & medical services have been continued
               by deployment of bare minimum personnel.
            •  450 passes have been obtained from the District
               Collector Office for safe to & fro passage of the
               people from residence to HSL for undertaking
               the above-mentioned essential services at HSL,
               as exempted vide MHA guidelines/ government
            •  Draft de-lock plan for resuming operations post
               lockdown has been prepared and forwarded
               to  MoD/DDP.  Further,  ‘Mitigation  Plans’  to
               minimise  the  impact  of  lockdown  and  ‘Catch
               up  Plans’  to  meet  the  committed  production
               schedule are worked out dynamically as the

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