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Fighting the                                        Jammu between 16  April 2020 to 18  April 2020 &
                                                                Siliguri between 18  April 2020 to 19  April 2020.
            Pandemic                                            Medical  items  were  sent  to  Loktak  Power  Station
                                                                by Air through Manipur House, Delhi on 17  April
            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
            50  Crore  (40  Crore  by  NHPC  and  10  Crore  by   1. 600 PPE Kits
            NHDC, a Joint Venture of NHPC with Government       2. 5,000 N-95 Masks
            of Madhya Pradesh).                                 3.11,000 Surgical Masks (Disposable)
                                                                4. 5,600 Surgical Gloves
            Payment to Contractual Workers during               5. 1,700 Disposable Caps
            Lockdown Period
                                                                6. 1,000 Disposable Shoe Covers
            100% Payment has been made to all contract workers   7. 4,500 (500 ml.) Hand Sanitizers
            across various locations of NHPC, during lockdown
            period. No deduction has been done.                 In addition, till 27.05.2020, NHPC Ltd. through it’s
                                                                different  Projects/Power  houses/Regional  Offices
            Social Support to needy by providing food &         have distributed 266 Complete PPE Kits, 53777 Face
                                                                masks, 1429 Gloves & 16872 Litres of sanitizers to
            During  the  period,  more  than  44000  meal  packets   “Persons other than Hospital Staff”. At the same
            and more than 38000 kgs of dry ration distributed   time, we made available  324 Complete PPE  Kits,
            among  the needy  people  by various  locations  of   8187 Face masks,  7318 Gloves & 4330 Litres  of
            NHPC.                                               sanitizers to “Our Hospital Staff”.

            Medical support to address health crisis            Preventive Measures (for the Organisation
                                                                and Employees)
            NHPC Ltd. is providing Quarantine/Isolation bed
            facilities at 35 locations till date (27.05.2020). In some   Sanitization and cleaning of all premises are ensured
            locations Guest Houses has also been prepared for   on regular basis. Employees have been directed to
            the same. 387 Quarantine/Isolation beds have been   wear masks mandatorily and install Arogra Setu
            created  in  these  locations  out  of  which  284  beds   app. Thermal  Scanning of employees and visitors
            are occupied as on date (27.05.2020). Most of these   are being done regularly.
            locations are equipped with Oxygen cylinders and    Awareness Campaigns
            some  locations  have  Oxygen  concentrators  also.
            Basic Life Support (BLS) & Ambulances are available   •  A  lecture  on  COVID  19  was  organised  for
            at most of the locations.                               corporate office employees by a Pulmonologist
                                                                    from  Fortis  Escorts  Hospital,  Faridabad  on  6
            Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family        March’20.
            Welfare  regarding  the  management  of  suspected/  •  A training programme on Corona Virus through
            confirmed COVID-19 cases are being shared with all      Video  Conferencing  for  Medical  staffs  of  all
            the doctors of NHPC projects, as & when they are        Projects and Power Station were delivered from
            published.                                              corporate office on 13  March’ 20.
                                                                •  An  awareness  lecture  on  COVID-19  based  on
            Following  preventive  material  were  procured  and    the guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family
            dispatched to different projects/power stations by      Welfare  &  an  expert  on  Infectious  disease
            Road to  Regional  Offices  –  Chandigarh,  Banikhet,    control from Apollo Hospital, Delhi was shared

            262   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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