Page 4 - HOME MAGZ
P. 4
interior/graphics designer.
Magazine editor and produces
Enter the loveseat magazines for
Enter the loveseat. It’s still big enough for
friends, but fits more comfortably in compact
eating is always im- 998 people aged between eeping on top of your
S portant, no matter 49 and 65, comparing their K cleaning with a once or
how small your space. But, levels of physical activity twice weekly clean should
picking a chair for its scale and the cleanliness of their be enough for most of us - if
is important. Pieces that do homes. The results showed you have kids or pets you
double duty are the best for that those with the cleanest may need to spot clean in
a small space. homes were also the healthi- between times! Keeping
leaning your home not est and most active. Nicole a tidy house can be over-
C only improves its clean- Keith, the study’s leader, whelming if there is too
liness, it can also boost your commented, “At the end of much to declutter, organize
mental health - it’s true. the day, the interior of their or clean. However, it can
cleaning is important for house seemed to be the only produce a sense of accom-
good physical and mental thing affecting their physical plishment, happiness, seren-
health. The study looked activity.” ity, and clarity.
at the physical health of