Page 6 - Newborn Children guide
P. 6

Session Day Prep

         We suggest that babies feed right before their session. A newborn session usually takes

         about 2 hours. We ask that you come 30 minutes prior to your session time to feed the

         baby in our studio. Babies generally feed every 2-3 hours, therefore; feeding right be-

         fore a session can sometimes guarantee an uninterrupted session.

         With that being said, babies are babies and quite often will have growth spurts and

         feed more often during a photography session. In the event that the baby is fully fed,

         but still may seem hungry during the session we will take a break and allow them pri-

         vate feeding time. We suggest you give your baby their normal early morning feeding

         which is usually around 3 hours before your session and you are more than welcome to

         let that baby go back to sleep. You do not need to keep your baby awake.

         When you arrive, we will undress the baby to the diaper and then allow you to feed. At

         this point the baby will wake up and then be hungry. It is very important to understand

         that we believe in baby led newborn sessions, which means that we never force or de-

         ny a feeding. When you feed before a session, we suggest feeding as you normally do—

         whether breastfed or bottle fed. For bottle feeding, we do suggest you bring extra

         bottles. Moms are also welcome to pump at sessions if they need relief.
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