Page 3 - Journal - Final
P. 3


                  The following pages contain a summary of the topics that were developed in the
                  course  Composition  II,  at  ULACIT  by  the  teacher  Gina  Gatgens.  The  course  in

                  general  was  very  helpful,  in  my  case  is  my  first  quarter  at  ULACIT,  I  did  the
                  placement test; as a result, I started with Composition II instead of Composition I,

                  the entire quarter I felt a little bit behind, because I was missing some basic topics

                  that they were thought in Composition I; for example, I didn’t know what was an
                  outline, my idea of an outline was just to write the ideas with no kind of order, I did

                  the essay without a proper outline, but I did some research about it, for the other
                  assignments (Term paper & Research paper).

                  Punctuation rules seem easy, but they are not, there is a lot to know and reviewing

                  all the rules was very enriching, punctuation should be consider as general culture,
                  and  definitely  something  very  useful  for  the  entire  career  and  life.  Another

                  important topic that we learned is the types of sentences, in my case I tend to think

                  in Spanish when I am writing and the structure is not the same so studying this
                  topic  help  me  a  lot;  in  fact,  I  have  a  better  understanding  of  the  structure  of

                  sentences, thanks to this topic and the different types of clauses.

                  Composition  courses  in  general  help  develops  analytical  thinking  to  students
                  tempting  to  think  beyond  the  obvious  and  use  critical  ideas  to  explore  other

                  possibilities, which we learned and put in practice, with the essay, term paper and
                  research  paper,  analyzing  the  different  types,  taking  serious  consideration  in

                  plagiarism  policies,  we  reviewed  importance  of  the  bibliographic  references  and

                  totally new to me the annotated bibliography.

                  In conclusion, personally I really enjoyed the course, and doing this journal, I am

                  sure it will be very helpful for other courses; because having grouped this important
                  information, it will be easy to consult when necessary.
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