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       TEN Audio Visual have been supplying and installing next
       generation solutions for over fifteen years. Focusing on our
       customer experience, we provide flawless customer service
       throughout the lifecycle of your equipment, which is what sets
       us apart from our competitors.

       Providing an end-to-end service, we tailor our recommended
       solution to your individual needs and work with you to design a
       future-proof solution that is tailored to your business goals.

       Our all-encompassing AV expertise includes:
       •  Video conferencing;
       •  Video walls;
       •  Digital signage;
       •  Audio systems;
       •  Reception areas;
       •  Control systems;
       •  Theatres and auditoriums;
       •  Boardrooms and meeting rooms;
       •  Room booking systems and visitor management;
       •  Patient entertainment and ward management.

       Whilst offering the full design and build process, we also provide
       ongoing maintenance for your AV equipment to ensure the
       upkeep of your solution. From same-day callouts to next working
       day support, we maintain all equipment to keep you up and
       running throughout the entirety of your product lifespan.

                                                                           Get in touch:  0203 397 7360  |
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