P. 97

Ribbon  This guideline shows how to arrange   Social Media  This guideline shows how to arrange
 and use the secondary elements   and use the secondary elements
 and other elements into an      and other elements into an
 appropriate layout.             appropriate layout.

 Size                            Elements
 Gift tools  1,5 cm              1. Informations
 Packaging 5 cm                  2. Logo
 Font                            3. Photo
 Orkney & Philoshopher

 Recommended Material
 Fabric Ribbon

 Logo size 2 x 4 cm
 Logo size 1 x2 cm

 1 .5 cm

 1 cm

 1.5 cm

 FI LE  LO C AT I O N                  FI LE  LO C AT I O N

 Kreyo Brand Asset/              Kreyo Brand Asset/
 03 Marketing Collateral/Ribbon  03 Marketing Collateral/Social Media

 96  2019  Visual Identity Guideline  Kreyo  Kreyo  Visual Identity Guideline  2019                            97
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102