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Clement Manor
$16,650,000 New Construction, Renovation and July 31, 2019
“The financing for Clement Manor ensures we meet the
changes necessary to advance our vision of a “Life Enriched
Community” for all those we serve having an exceptional
experience of quality and well-being.”
- Dennis Ferger, Chief Executive Officer
15 Jobs Created ▪ 50 Construction Job Created Clement Manor, Inc.
▪ 183 FTEs ▪
Milwaukee Catholic Home
$11,760,000 Renovation and Refinancing September 27, 2019
“Milwaukee Catholic Home continues to be a premier
continuing care retirement community on Milwaukee’s
Eastside through prudent use of capital to upgrade its aging
facilities. Access to tax-exempt financing is an important
financing tool, and this financing has enabled us to improve
our facilities with the goal of enhancing our family and
1 Job Created ▪ 240 FTEs resident experiences for many years to come.”
- David Fulcher, Chief Executive Officer
Milwaukee Catholic Home, Inc.
$6,490,000 Refinancing December 30, 2019
“St Anne’s has a 144-year history of serving the frail elderly
in Milwaukee. Our partnership with WHEFA has afforded St
Anne’s with tax-exempt financing to enable us to offer a new
version of care that is more affordable and desirable to those
we serve and to expand the continuum of care so that
commitment to care lasts forever.”
- Janet Krahn, Chief Executive Officer
▪ 33 FTEs ▪ St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus