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        Swami Swaroopananda

           The orange robes and serene, ever-smiling face do not betray a successful  young
           businessman who on hearing the call of  Gurudev (Swami Chinmayananda), forgot
           all his worldly comforts to follow him unwaveringly.

                              Swamiji admits that even as a child he had  Diksha by Gurudev and was named
                              an inclination for the spiritual, often sitting  Swami Swaroopananda.
                              quietly with a mala in his hand. As a young
                              boy Ashok (Swamiji) was reared  on Krishna  Many of us can remember the young
                              and Rama stories from the Puranas but it   Swamiji who accompanied Gurudev to
                              was only several years later in Hong Kong  London in 1993 and gave the morning
                              where he joined the family business that he  talks. The following year he conducted the
                              came across Gurudev’s commentary on the    entire yagna in London, and soon after
                              Holy Geeta. Studying this, he became       became the Acharya here.
                              aware of the deep philosophy buried in his
                              childhood books. Shortly afterwards when   Presently stationed in Melbourne he is Head
                              he heard Gurudev in person, he was in his  of the Mission in Australia and is also the
                              own words, totally swept off his feet with  Acharya for the Far East, Africa and the UK.
                              awe and reverence. Craving close contact   He travels frequently all over the world
                              with Gurudev he joined the Yuva Kendra     delivering the teaching of Vedanta with great
                              for 2 years.                               conviction and clarity, adding witty insights
                                                                         which endear him to old and young alike.
                              In 1981 he went to Sidhabari where he
                              experienced Gurudev’s work and vision.  More recently his dynamic topics like
                              It was here that                                                 “Win the mind,
                              Ashok realized that          A devotee lamented                  Win the world”,
                              the two things he                                                “Born to Succeed”,
                              wanted most dearly      “When will I ever get called             “From Potential to
         Swami Swaroopananda  could be achieved                by the Lord?’’                  Performance”,
                              through Vedanta _      Swamiji replied: “Krishna has             “Make It Happen”,
                              - his search for true  crossed his legs from tiredness, he       “Chief   Executive
                              knowledge and an             has gone blue from                  Officer”   present
                              aching desire to        blowing on his flute, he has             Vedantic values in
                              help people. Earlier                                             a success-oriented,
                              he   had    consi-         spondalitis in the back               user -friendly
                              dered a career in    from standing so long .. And you            package of great
                              homeopathy as his        still have not heard him?”              appeal to youth
                              means, and even                                                  and adults alike.
                              now    he   is   very   interested  and    Furthermore his interactive workshops for
                              knowledgeable about Ayurveda.              top   level   management      at   major
                                                                         corporations demonstrate how these
                              Ashok entered the Sandeepany in Mumbai     strategies can be used successfully to
                              in 1984 and was a student of Guruji, Swami  cultivate  dynamic    leadership    and
                              Tejomayananda. During this time Gurudev’s  management techniques, helping in the
                              frequent visits were a continuing source of  process to create an environment which is
                              inspiration. In 1986 on completion of the  positive and inspiring. Welcome to vedanta
                              course he became Brahmachari Susheel;      to the workplace.
                              On Mar 2, 1992 he was given Sannyas

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