Page 43 - New
P. 43

50. Kutastha Itself is the opposite of 'the other'ness. The opposite of 'you'ness however, is 'I'ness,

                which is the individuality, the Jiva, that which is superimposed on Kutastha.

                AhNtaSvTvyaeÉeRde êPytedNtyaeirv,

                Spòe=ip maehmapÚa @kTv< àitpeidre. 51.

                ahantäsvatvayorbhede rüpyatedantayoriva |
                spañöe'pi mohamäpannä ekatvaà pratipedire || 51||
                AhNta-SvTvyae>  = between 'I'ness and 'Self'ness;  Éede      = distinction;  êPyta-#dNtyae> #v  = like in

                'silver'ness and 'this'ness;  Spòe = clear;  Aip  = even then;  maehm! = delusion;  AapÚa> = in the grip

                of;  @kTvm! = oneness;  àitpeidre  = declare.

                51. The  distinction  between  'I'ness  and  'Self'ness  is  as  clear  as  that  between  'silver'ness  and

                'this'ness.  Even  then,  the  people  in  the  grip  of  delusion  declare  the  oneness  of  'I'ness  and  the

                immutable Self, Kutastha.

                tadaTMyaXyas @vaÇ pUvaeR´aiv*ya k«t>,

                Aiv*aya< inv&Äaya< tTkay¡ ivinvtRte. 52.

                tädätmyädhyäsa evätra pürvoktävidyayä kåtaù |
                avidyäyäà nivåttäyäà tatkäryaà vinivartate || 52||
                tadaTMy-AXyas> = superimposition resulting in the identity (of 'I' and 'Self');  @v  = alone;  AÇ  =

                here;  pUvaeR´> = discussed earlier; Aiv*ya k«t>  = is caused by ignorance;  Aiv*aya< inv&Äayam! = on

                negation of ignorance; tTkayRm!  = its effect (effect of ignorance);  ivinvtRte  = ends.

                52. That the superimposition resulting in the identity of 'I' and 'Self' is caused by ignorance has been

                discussed earlier. On negation of ignorance alone, the effect of ignorance ends.

                Aiv*av&तिtadaTMye iv*yEv ivnZyt>,

                iv]epSy Svêp< tu àarBx]ymI]te. 53.

                avidyävåttitädätmye vidyayaieva vinaçyataù |
                vikñepasya svarüpaà tu prärabdhakñayamékñate || 53||
                    Sandeepany Sadhanalaya
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