Page 9 - Study Report_PH Amila Nishani Piyasingha
P. 9

Objectives of participation:

                            1.  To obtain  knowledge  about fundamentals of Traditional Canines
                                Medicine (TCM)

                            2.  To  obtain knowledge about  diagnosis  and treatment of TCM

                            3.  To obtain knowledge about clinical application and efficiency of TCM

                            4.  To  obtain  knowledge about the  characteristics of TCM for  treating
                                special diseases.

                            5.  To shear the technology of Traditional Canines Medicine System and
                                cultural habits of Participated countries

                            6.  To learn about  experience regarding the Knowledge  of  Traditional

                            7.  To share Sri Lankan experience on  rapid  urbanization  and  urban
                                environmental Sanitation

                            8.  To  obtain knowledge about National  Research achievements  of
                                Traditional Canines Medicine.
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