Page 2 - Microsoft Word - Catalogue A4
P. 2

          Grand Auction of Promises                ITEMS FOR SALE                        Friday 8  November 2019

           Lot 1       6 jars of home-grown Piccotts End honey and Nyree special Fruit
                       Fruit Cake – suitable for weddings/shoots/meets etc or just to eat.
                       These cakes will keep for months, if not years!

                       Kindly donated by Miriam Smith MFH and Nyree Fitzgerald

           Lot 2       A year’s subscription to your favourite magazine “Horse & Hound”

                                                           Kindly  donated by Wendy Shuttleworth

           Lot 3       A full dental assessment and treatment of your horse by the specialists, established since 1981.
                       Travel within 40 miles of Bracknell, Berkshire -

                       Kindly donated by Adrian Thorne

           Lot 4       Ride pillion with Kate for a day’s hunting on her quad bike
                       including lunch on the “hoof”

                       Kindly donated by Kate Waddington

           Lot 5       Load the impossible horse to load or cure your bad loader – 200% guaranteed result

                       Kindly donated by Mark Smith

           Lot 6                             A home-grown oven-ready Christmas turkey – order the size you want
                                             and a wonderful, handmade Christmas Wreath

                                             Turkey kindly donated by Philip & Fi White
                                             Wreath kindly donated by Steph Frewin

           Lot 7       A day’s hunting for 2 people with the Puckeridge Hunt on the Hertfordshire/Essex border – horses
                       not supplied

                       Kindly donated by the Joint Masters, Puckeridge Hunt

           Lot 8       A personally-prepared and comprehensive horsey first aid kit
                       – it has everything in it, even things you’ve never heard of!

                       Kindly donated by Bob Baskerville MRCVS

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