Page 3 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 3


          While Delta-8 Grows in Popularity, Federal Agencies Warn of Health Risks

                  BY VANESSA ORR                                                  hospital or emergency room following its   hemp is low, manufacturers who convert
                                                                                  ingestion, and 19 experienced adverse   other cannabinoids in hemp, like CBD
          There’s always something new in hemp-                                   effects including vomiting, hallucinations,   into delta-8, may potentially use unsafe
        derived products, and Delta-8, which is                                   trouble standing and loss of conscious-  household chemicals or create them in
        available in vapes, gummies and other                                     ness.                               unsanitary settings, creating more issues
        forms, has been growing in demand over                                     National poison control centers noted   for consumers.
        the past couple of years. In fact, according                              661 cases resulting from delta-8 exposure   Some states have begun reacting to
        to the Addiction Center website, sales of                                 between January 2018 and July 31, 2021,   issues caused by delta-8; in May of this
        the compound increased by 144 percent                                     of which 18 percent required hospitaliza-  year, the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement
        from April 2020 and April 2021.                                           tion, including children who required   Division and the Colorado Department of
          Its popularity—and a growing number                                     intensive care unit admission. Children   Public Health and Environment banned
        of complaints—have caught the attention   ularity has grown in part because it is mar-  who had ingested delta-8-infused gum-  the sale of products containing delta-8,
        of both the U.S. Food & Drug         keted as legal in places where marijuana,   mies experienced deep sedation, slowed   noting that “chemically modifying or con-
        Administration (FDA) and the Centers for   and delta-9, which is far more potent, is   breathing, irregular heartbeats and   verting any naturally occurring cannabi-
        Disease Control (CDC). Both recently put   not. Most delta-8 is synthesized from CBD,   decreased blood pressure, among other   noids from industrial hemp is non-compli-
        out warnings about serious health risks   which comes from hemp, which was legal-  symptoms.                  ant with the statutory definition of ‘indus-
        that users of the product could be facing.    ized by Congress in 2018.    There are a number of issues surround-  trial hemp product.’”
                                               While delta-9 THC is illegal in Florida,   ing Delta-8 products that are making them   A number of other states, including
        What is Delta-8?                     delta-8 is legal to purchase for those 21   more difficult to monitor. While a legal   Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware,
          According to the FDA, delta-8-tetrahy-  and older.                      loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill defines the   Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi,
        drocannabinol, or Delta-8, is a psychoac-                                 legal delta-9 concentration of 0.3 percent   Montana, New York, North Dakota,
        tive substance found in small amounts in   Is It Safe?                    for hemp, it does not define delta-8 con-  Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and
        the cannabis sativa plant; however, con-  These products, which have not been   centrations. Products labeled simply as   Washington have followed their lead and
        centrated amounts of delta-8 THC are typ-  evaluated or approved by the FDA, may   ‘hemp products’ can also mislead cus-  either banned or more stringently regulat-
        ically manufactured from hemp-derived   pose serious health risks.        tomers who do not realize they may con-  ed delta-8 products.
        cannabidiol (CBD).                     From December 2020 through July    tain the psychoactive delta-8, and some   As interest in delta-8 continues to grow,
          While those who use delta-8 report that   2021, the FDA received adverse events   products are also marketed for therapeutic   it remains to be seen if its benefits out-
        it calms nausea, boosts appetite, eases pain   reports from both consumers and law   or medical uses, which has not been   weigh its drawbacks, and how manufac-
        and reduces anxiety, it is also known for   enforcement. Of 22 patients who con-  approved by the FDA.        turers, consumers and state mandates will
        producing a mild high. The product’s pop-  sumed delta-8 products, 14 went to the   Because the natural amount of delta-8 in   affect the burgeoning market.

         30                       October 2021                                                                                                                                         Cannabis News Florida
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