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FIU Introducing Fully Online Master’s Program

                                                 in Health Informatics & Analytics

             BY VANESSA ORR                                salaries for the profes-  plinary approach to health informatics and  it, nor do I think I would have found my
                                                           sion at $69,000, though  provides students with tools and skills to  passion for working with data mining and
          Since 2012, Florida Inter -                      higher salaries are possi-  analyze data and provide solutions to  data visualization.”
        national University (FIU) has                      ble,” Dr. Klein said of the  improve health and healthcare delivery.  Michele Russell, class of 2016, started
        offered a Master’s of Science in                   field that enables im -  Students broaden their views and perspec-  Russell Consulting Group shortly after
        Health Informatics and Ana -                       provements in health-  tives by working in teams with peers from  graduating. She assists clients with infra-
        lytics (MSHI&A). This inter-                       care delivery, patient  clinical, information systems, and mana-  structure design, data-driven decision-
        disciplinary field studies and                     safety and quality of  gerial backgrounds.”                making, cloud migrations, electronic med-
        pursues effective uses of                          care.                   While this coming year’s program is  ical records implementations and more.
        health-related data, informa-                       While in the program,  fully online, subsequent years will see the  While enrolled in FIU’s program, she was
        tion, and knowledge for scien-                     students enhance their  degree offered via in-person and online  the chief information officer at Health
        tific inquiry, problem-solving,                    analytical,  leadership  instruction. To date, FIU has graduated  Choice Network in Doral.
        and organizational decision-    Michele Russell    and organizational skills.  four successful cohorts of students, with  “I was apprehensive about going back to
        making, in an effort to                            The average age of an  the fifth currently completing their stud-  school while working as a CIO for an
        improve both health and                            MSHI&A student is 29,  ies. Alumni work across South Florida at  extremely busy healthcare IT company,”
        healthcare delivery. In October of 2017,  and students come from various back-  employers that include HealthSouth, the  Russell said. “Once I committed to the
        the University will begin offering the pro-  grounds including healthcare, nursing,  Memorial Healthcare System, Baptist  program, the excitement built. It doesn't
        gram completely online in order to enable  health services, information technology,  Health South Florida, MEDNAX, Molina  matter how many years of healthcare
        more students to become involved in this  accounting, psychology, and biological  Healthcare, CareCloud, the Florida  and/or information technology experience
        growing field.                       services, among others.             Department of Health, Hialeah Hospital,  you have when you begin this program;
          “The United States Department of     The program is offered as part of FIU’s  Banyan Health Systems, the Air National  you will learn a great deal. As a seasoned
        Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics projects  College of Business, making it the only  Guard, Harmony Healthcare, Tenet  healthcare executive, I was incredibly sur-
        that the field of health information will  program of its kind offered through a busi-  Healthcare,  Nicklaus  Children’s  prised by the extensive amount of new
        experience 22 percent job growth by  ness school in Florida and one of only a  Hospital, and Wentworth Hampshire  and enhanced information that I
        2022,” explained Dr. Richard Klein, an  handful of similar programs across the  among many others.            received.”
        assistant dean with FIU’s College of  U.S.                                 Christina Cascante, class of 2015, now  She added, “We need highly trained
        Business and interim chair of the      “The unique aspect of FIU’s program  works within Baptist Health South  individuals to help organizations make
        Information Systems and Business     lies in combining management and busi-  Florida’s information technology group  patient-centric decisions with the expan-
        Analytics Department. “Only ‘health infor-  ness analytics components with health  as a business intelligence consultant. In  sive healthcare data available within elec-
        mation technicians’ are referenced in this  informatics. We designed the program  this capacity, she creates reports and  tronic health record systems. You can only
        statistic, overlooking potential IT jobs in  with input from some of the top health-  dashboards, as well as leads and works  increase your collective corporate value
        the healthcare sector as well as consulting  care professionals and CIOs in South  on numerous regulatory projects such as  with a degree in Healthcare Informatics
        and health informatics education and  Florida,” explained Dr. Klein, adding that  CMS’ Physician Quality Reporting  and Analytics from FIU.”
        training opportunities.”             the same outstanding faculty teaching the  System (PQRS).
          Advanced, graduate-level degrees in  in-person program will teach the online  “The FIU MSHI&A was challenging,  For more information about FIU’s MSHI&A
        health informatics will ultimately prove  program.                       but I am so thankful that I chose it,” she  program, contact Roberto Garcia at
        extremely valuable. “Data collected by the  He continued, “FIU takes an interdisci-  said. “I would not have had the opportuni-  305-348-4347, or visit
        job search site Simply Hired puts average                                ty to be at my current career level without

                         D elr a y Beach • J ackson ville • M iami • Or lando • P anama C it y
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         16                        July 2017                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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