Page 18 - SFHN JUNE 2020 FLIP BOOK
P. 18

VITAS® Healthcare Invites Nurses and Nursing Students to Volunteer

          Professional nurses and nursing stu-  working reduced hours at the same time   improving the patient and caregiver   Stewardship and service to our commu-
        dents from across the U.S. can share their   that hospice patients are unable to leave   experience, we’ve decided to continue   nities are in our DNA as nurses, so par-
        expertise and support front-line nursing   their homes or unwilling to invite   these relationships and proactive calls   ticipating in the VITAS Volunteer Call to
        colleagues by joining VITAS Healthcare’s   healthcare workers and volunteers into   well after we’ve left this pandemic   Action was a prefect decision for us.”
        Volunteer ProActive Call to Action, an   their homes for compassionate end-of-  behind.”                        Beverly Morgan, president of Lambda
        initiative that trains volunteer nurses and   life care.                   Launched in mid-April, the volunteer   Psi Nu, said volunteering with VITAS is
        nursing students to check in regularly by   “A warm call from our nursing volun-  initiative has already trained nurses and   an ideal alternative for her sorority's
        phone with socially isolated hospice   teers can brighten the day of a hospice   nursing students who are making regular   community service program, which was
        patients and their families/caregivers.   patient and reassure a patient’s family   calls to patients or their caregivers, while   suspended during COVID-19.
          VITAS is issuing the call for volunteers   member that they are not alone during   others await onboarding/assignment to   "We're all bedside licensed practical
        during National Nurses Week 2020 (May   the pandemic,” Fiorelli says.     one of 48 VITAS hospice programs    nurses in the trenches, trying to provide
        6-12), a celebration of profound impor-  The first VITAS volunteers to undergo   throughout the US.           quality care services every day, and part
        tance at a time when many critical-care   training are members of the American   AAMN President Blake K. Smith, MSN,   of our mission is to improve the quality
        U.S. nurses are battling COVID-19 on   Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN)   BN, says that even before COVID-19, his   of healthcare in communities of despair,"
        the frontlines of healthcare while other   and Lambda Psi Nu, a nursing sorority   organization had been exploring volun-  says Morgan, who committed 500 volun-
        nurses are furloughed or working scaled-  for licensed practical nurses. Additional   teer opportunities for active-duty nurses   teer hours from her organization. "The
        back hours.                          nursing organizations have begun the   and nursing students who require com-  VITAS initiative is not only our way to
          Robin Fiorelli, senior director of vol-  onboarding process.            munity service hours for nursing school   give back to our community, it's also an
        unteer and bereavement services for    “VITAS provides training for all volun-  acceptance and graduation.    awesome opportunity to connect VITAS
        VITAS, describes the program as an ideal   teers, and the experience gives nurses   “During this pandemic, our members   patients with nurses who are caring and
        opportunity for nurses, nursing students   and nursing students exposure to post-  have been asking, ‘What can we do? How   knowledgeable."
        and nursing organizations to make a tan-  acute specialties like hospice that they   can we help?’” Smith explains. “Many
        gible difference in the lives of hospice   might not encounter during their career   nurses and nursing students are shel-  Interested nurses or nursing students can
        patients and their families. Because of   or schooling,” Fiorelli explains. “Because   tered at home, yet we feel we should be   find more information and apply at
        COVID-19 restrictions, many nurses are   these calls have been so successful at   on the front lines with our colleagues.

                                                  FAU Nurses Care for Homeless,

                                          Low Income Individuals during Pandemic

          Nurses are on the frontline of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in   individuals. An additional 150 face masks will be distributed early next month during
        hospitals saving lives while putting their own at risk. But their selflessness doesn’t   the community outreach takeout breakfast, which specifically serves the homeless
        stop there. Florida Atlantic University’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is com-  population. Those who were unable to receive a face mask, can pick them up on des-
        mitted to helping those in greatest need during this pandemic: homeless and low   ignated days at the FAU Community Health Center, operated by FAU’s College of
        income individuals who live in a northwest neighborhood in West Palm Beach. The   Nursing and the Northwest Community Health Alliance.
        city’s first and oldest neighborhood has a population where the majority of its resi-  “As a family nurse practitioner volunteering at our FAU Community Health Center
        dents live well below poverty. Its homeless population, in particular, is at grave risk of   in this northwest neighborhood in West Palm Beach, I noticed so many homeless and
        contracting and dying from COVID-19. Those who live in poverty simply do not have   low income people sitting close together without any face covering,” said Chambers.
        the means to protect themselves with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as a face   “People living in poverty as well as homeless individuals and those struggling with
        mask or seek medical attention if they suspect they may be infected with the virus.    social determinants of health are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 and dying
          To address the dire needs of this community, Karethy Edwards, Dr.PH, APRN, a pro-  from it. My colleagues and I were compelled to do something to help.”
        fessor and associate dean of academic programs, and Karen Chambers, DNP, APRN, an   In addition to lifesaving PPE, FAU’s College of Nursing provides health care servic-
        assistant professor, both in FAU’s College of Nursing, are spearheading programs to pro-  es for this community. The Community Health Center at UB Kinsey in West Palm
        vide lifesaving PPE and health care services for residents in this neighborhood during the   Beach is a new permanent, year-round facility that opened on April 17. This historic
        pandemic.                                                                 area has a low income, medically underserved population. Health care services also
          On April 28, in collaboration with the Northwest Community Health Alliance   are available at the FAU Nursing Community Health Center, in partnership with the
        board, which serves a predominately African-American community in the northwest   Northwest Community Health Alliance. Services include mental health assessments,
        district, Edwards, Chambers and about 10 faculty and staff members distributed more   medication management, and behavioral interventions focused on restoration of func-
        than 400 face masks to residents in this community, specifically targeting homeless   tion and quality of life. Patients learn behavior strategies to help them adhere to med-
                                                                                  ical regimens, new coping mechanisms, stress reduction strategies, and pain and/or
                                                                                  disease management techniques.
                                                                                   With COVID-19 concerns, primary care telehealth services are now available to
                                                                                  patients and include routine sick and health maintenance follow-up care and manage-
                                                                                  ment of chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and arthritis. As an
                                                                                  American Diabetes Association “Diabetes Certified Education Center,” telehealth
                                                                                  services also include diabetes patient and family education. Patients with chronic ill-
                                                                                  nesses are currently being contacted to determine if they have need for medications,
                                                                                  food, and information to educate them about COVID-19. Telehealth services are avail-
                                                                                  able in English, Spanish and Creole.

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