Page 6 - SFHN March 2018
P. 6

Funding for Community Health
                       Protecting Your Assets
                                                                                              Centers Reauthorized
                If you are thinking about getting married,
              you should consider whether you have assets
              that you want to preserve and protect in the
              event of a divorce. If you own your practice,
              have saved substantially through your
              401(k), have deferred compensation accumu-
              lated, own commercial or real property, or
              inherited assets from family members, you
              should think about a prenuptial agreement,
              or if you have already married, consider a
              postnuptial agreement to protect those assets.
                Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
              generally abbreviate or waive rights one
              spouse might be entitled to receive in the  BY ANGELA R. NEAVE,
              event of divorce or death. For example, if you  ESQUIRE
              purchased your home prior to getting mar-
              ried, and are paying down the mortgage with
              your current income, and you do not have a prenuptial agreement desig-
              nating the home as a non-marital asset and your income as non-marital
              income, your spouse may be entitled to a portion of the value of the house
              in the event of a divorce. Protecting your home or other assets can happen  Community Health of South Florida, Inc. staff wore red on Red Alert Day
              through a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.                                to highlight the need for funding Community Health Centers.
                In addition to protecting assets you already own, prenuptial agreements
              can abbreviate or waive rights to alimony or spousal support and attor-  Intense concern and worry over funding  Community Health Centers to provide
              neys’ fees and costs. Entering into a prenuptial agreement and agreeing  is alleviated after Congress passed legisla-  high quality, affordable healthcare.
              upon a waiver of alimony or attorneys’ fees and costs or designating a cer-  tion to fix the health center funding cliff  Licensed Mental Health Technician and
              tain amount of alimony or attorneys’ fees and costs you are willing to pay  with a two-year extension and $600 mil-  Coordinator for Quality Assurance and
              ensures that you can predict what your alimony and attorney fee obliga-  lion in additional dollars to further sup-  Quality Improvement, Celia Mion, wore
              tions are in the event of a divorce and allows you to have predictability in  port health center operations and address  red pants on Red Alert Day in honor of
              preserving your future income.                                    unmet needs. The news came as a huge  CHI’s mission.
                                                                                comfort to Community Health of South  “I really believe in bringing healthcare to
                                                                                Florida Inc. (CHI) and other community  all people,” said Mion. “We need it not
                  If you have questions about protecting your assets, a prenuptial agreement
              or a postnuptial agreement, and want to discuss your options with an attorney,  health centers nationwide who had been  only for people who can’t afford it, but also
                   call Angela R. Neave, Esquire, at (954) 981-2200 for a free consultation.  waiting on reauthorization of funding  the people who rely on these programs to
                                                                                since October 2017.                 improve their lives regardless of econom-
                                                                                  The good news didn’t stop there.  ics.”
                                                                                Congress also reauthorized funding for  Latricia Segura-Branch PharmD, a phar-
                                                                                two years for Teaching Health Center  macist at CHI wore a large red flower in
                                                                                GME programs such as the Brodes H.  her hair along with fellow pharmacy staff.
                                                                                Hartley Teaching Health Center at   She knows the dire need and said without
                                                                                Community Health of South Florida, Inc.  support for life-saving medications and
                                                                                CHI’s teaching health center develops and  medication management services that
                                                                                trains medical residents to address a loom-  community health centers provide,
                                                                                ing shortage of primary care physicians.  patients are in danger.
                                                                                The extension of funding for that program  “If there were no pharmacies in commu-
         IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES                                                 helps realign finances by closely linking  nity health centers especially 340B phar-
                                                                                them to the true cost of training physicians  macies, patients would go without the
                                                                                in primary care specialties         proper medications that they need,” said
                                                                                  “This is a win, win situation for every-  Segura-Branch.
                                                                                one,” said Brodes H. Hartley Jr., President  According to the National Association
                                                                                and CEO of CHI. “It’s a win for the 83,000  for Community Health Centers (NACHC)
                                                                                patients that we care for every year. We  the extension of funds secures healthcare
                                                                                manage diseases for them, heal their ail-  for27 million patients by ensuring thou-
          At WithumSmith+Brown, PC, our client-focused                          ments and care for them physically and  sands of sites will be able to keep their
          philosophy and goal-oriented approach delivers                        mentally. This is also a win for our employ-  doors open.
          expertise, efficiency and innovation to meet the unique               ees who devote themselves to caring for  For those tasked with the job of molding
                                                                                these people and a win for our residents  the next generation of doctors, reautho-
          needs of the healthcare industry.
                                                                                learning to care for a diverse population.”  rization of funding for teaching health cen-
          Scott J. Mariani, JD, Partner                                           The victory comes just days after an all-  ters is a big burden relieved from their
          Practice Leader, Healthcare Services Group                            out advocacy effort. CHI employees  hearts and minds.
                                                   adorned themselves in red to show a pas-  “Traditionally underserved rural and
                                                                                sion and urgency for healthcare funding.  urban areas face the greatest challenges
                                                                                The National “Red Alert Day,” on February  recruiting physicians,” said Dr. Saint
                                                                                6th prompted CHI staff and people across  Anthony Amofah, Chief Academic Officer
                                                                                the country to post photos on social media  and Chief Medical Officer. “We are so
                                                                                and make phone calls and emails to U.S.  grateful that the federal government is
                                                                                Congressional and Senate leaders urging  helping with this investment to grow our
                                                                                them to address the funding cliff facing  own physicians. This goes a long way in
                                                                                community health centers nationwide.  addressing key healthcare gaps among
                                                                                The health of 27 million Americans was in  some of the most vulnerable people in our
                                                                                jeopardy.  Those  people  rely  on  communities.”

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         6                         March 2018                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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