Page 24 - SFHN Feb 2021
P. 24
Cover Story: Dr. Prieto Discusses
Advancements in Pediatric Cardiology
Continued from page 1
babies, where they're born with what is line, sometimes better! Many still require
called a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). surgery, but the field of transcatheter inter-
The PDA is a vessel that connects the aorta ventions has grown exponentially in the
to the pulmonary artery, and in full-term past couple of decades."
babies it usually closes within hours of Dr. Prieto has been serving as interim
birth. However, in premature babies it can medical director of cardiology since there
stay open and result in breathing prob- was a change in leadership of the cardiol-
lems. "We are now able to close that vessel ogy division at the hospital several weeks
ago. Until the position is permanently
with a catheterization procedure by put-
FEB . ting a little plug in the PDA. That proce- filled – which she may be considered for –
she intends to carry out her priorities.
dure we can now do in babies as tiny as 1-
- 1/2 pounds." Among them are continuing to expand
- 1 28
services into the community. "We have
She also talked about her surgical col-
opened clinics as far as Palm City, so we
leagues being interested in augmented
reality, and "bringing it to the operating have physicians who are seeing patients in
room." A special lens is used to generate a Broward and Palm Beach Counties. We
hologram from individual patients' hearts, have been able to extend our services to
allowing the surgeon to interact with the areas that are currently not able to access
three-dimensional anatomy of a specific us easily, and I'm hoping to continue that
heart. By doing so, surgeons are able to in my role."
determine how best to repair a cardiac Another area she is hoping to expand is
lesion that requires surgical intervention. fetal echo consultation. "When moms are
"Eventually they're hoping to bring this pregnant and they have an ultrasound,
into the operating room so they can look generally the obstetrician can tell if there
at it at the same time they're looking at the is a cardiac abnormality. You can imagine
Regi er TODA Y at actual heart. Bringing augmented reality what a shock that is to a mom. We offer
into the OR would enable the surgeon to comprehensive counseling for patients in
T ourd o w ar d.c see exactly what the heart looks like that situation. My hope is to increase our
before getting inside." services to moms who may be carrying a
Another advancement Dr. Prieto men- baby with congenital heart disease, pro-
tioned deals with lesions that previously viding consultations to their homes, let-
required surgical intervention, but can ting them know what to expect when the
now be treated with catheterization proce- baby is born. It is safer for a baby with sig-
dures. "I'm a cardiac cath specialist, and nificant congenital heart disease to have a
now in our field, we can implant valves in plan of action already in place when
the heart in the catheterization laboratory. they're born. We'll know exactly what we
More and more, things that used to need to do; and knowing in advance is
require open heart surgery can now be safer and leads to better outcomes."
done via a less invasive procedure by put-
ting a catheter from the groin vessels into For more information, call
the heart, including replacing a valve. (305) 662-8301 or visit
Specializing in Medically There's no scar, and patients go home the
next day feeling essentially back to base-
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24 February 2021 South Florida Hospital News