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                MEMORIAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL SOUTH                                                  MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEST

        Kelly J. Charles, RN BSN                                                  Sonia Murray, RN

          It’s the smiles on the faces of patients and family members               A case manager for more than two decades, Sonia Murray
        that Kelly Charles enjoys, since it tells her she’s brought               says her co-workers are like family to her. “We all work well
        relief to a stressful situation and comfort to individuals                together and truly want to do our best for patients and fam-
        thankful for her advocacy on their behalf.                                ilies. We support each other in good times and during the
          Working primarily with cancer, transplant and LVAD                      more difficult periods and the efforts of the entire team lead
        patients, Kelly focuses on ensuring a smooth transition to                to good patient outcomes.”  While COVID-19 has compli-
        wherever the patient is discharged to. “I provide a step-by-              cated the jobs of everyone in hospitals, Murray says she has
        step plan, because it can be intimidating even when return-               adapted to sharing instructions on the phone with coron-
        ing to environments an individual is familiar with, let alone             avirus patients and not having families on-site because of
        traveling to be with relatives or going to skilled nursing                visitation restrictions. She says every patient and situation is
                                                                                  different but that her knowledge of available resources and willingness to begin commu-
        facilities. There are follow-up appointments and treatments, transportation issues, med-
                                                                                  nicating immediately is the key to a successful discharge and what comes after for the
        ical equipment that needs to be set up, and medications needed to provide the best oppor-
        tunity for a full recovery .”                                             patient.  “Educating family members is critically important to ensuring a smooth transi-
                                                                                  tion to home,” says Murray. “The reward for me is guiding the patient journey and help-
          Charles has now been a case manager for more than seven years and a registered nurse
        for 10.                                                                   ing everyone with what they need.”

                     MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MIRAMAR                                                MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PEMBROKE

        Leslie Lavoy, RN                                                          Tra’keisha Patrick, MSW, RCSWI

          Wife, mother, student (RN-to-MSN), nurse, and case                        A social worker, Tra’keisha Patrick brings some different
        manager, it’s all in a day’s work for Leslie Lavoy , and she              skills to her case manager’s position at Memorial Hospital
        wouldn’t have it any other way .  A self-described “passionate            Pembroke. “My social service background makes me very
        case manager,” Lavoy enjoys interacting with patients and                 aware of the emotional side of what our patients and fami-
        family members, advocating for them in situations that are                lies are going through. I’m able to counsel and reassure
        unfamiliar. “I speak with patients, call families, and often              them through the situations they’re in.”  During her two
        round with physicians to be up to date with the patient's                 years on the job, Patrick has worked with intensive care,
        plan of care. Communicating with the family and care team                 COVID-19, and telemetry units and learned about the
        enables me to ensure that treatment plans are understood                  unique needs of each type of patient. She credits past expe-
        and that discharge plans are followed.”  Lavoy cites the abil-            rience with helping her adapt to constantly-changing envi-
        ity to communicate effectively , prior bedside nursing experi-            ronments, which included getting up to speed on medical terminology, labs, and med-
        ence, and a positive attitude as the keys to her success in case management, a role she   ications that can be unique to each area’s charts.
        took on in the past year. It’s especially important, she says, to remain calm while interact-  “The medical component is very important,” said Patrick. “But it’s also vital to honestly
        ing with families to prevent confusion and guarantee a safe patient discharge.   communicate and bring the human level of caregiving to each patient interaction.”

               Thank You, Soutth Florida CCase Managers,
               for Y        ouur Committment to C e

                                         re plan is a com
                                                              i n t h lth re caase manager

                              ptti nt

                B hind ev er ry pat tient ’s car  pl n i  mmpmpassionate healthcar   mn      r.

                                                                                ASS® H
                D uring N ational Case M anagement W  eekk (O ctober 10-16), VIT A    ealthcar                                e
                salutes all case maanagers for ensuring that outh Florida ’ ’ s patients  eceiv e car                                e
                                                         t S
                that honors their  alues and goals.

                When patients deecide to embrace quality oof life near the end of lifee, thank y ou

                for r eferring themm and their families to thee comfor t-focused, interdisciplinar                                y

                                                                        eys, fr
                car e that VIT AS iis kno wn for fr om J acksoonville to the K e  om Pensacola


                to the E v v erglades.
                Call VIT AS at 800.938.4827 anytimee—including after
                hours, weekennds, and holidays—foor seamless evaluatioons,
                r eferrals, and ttransitions to comforrt-focused hospice
                car e in each paatient’ s pr eferr ed settting.

                 Since 1980

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                              October 2021                          21
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