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Disability Income Risk                                      Cover Story: Dante’s 10th Circle of Hell

                            for the Physician                                      Continued from page 1               patient was alert and responsive enough
                                                                                   vide warning to the unbidden. Slowly   to have personality and bonded with the
          What is your most valu-                     are unable to work, would you                                    nurse. She came in at 7:00 the following
        able asset? For most of us                    sell or could you return? Or   opening the door, the nurse or physician   morning and learned that he had
        it is our ability to generate                 more importantly how much    enters a surreal world of gray, blue, and   expired. Her humanity deserves respect
        a paycheck. Physicians or                     is it worth? These are impor-  beige, soothing colors that do little to   in that she had continued to regard him
        other medical profession-                     tant considerations. Do you   dispel the gloom. Gone is the incessant   as a human being. More often than not,
        als may earn millions of                      have a succession plan?      chatter of nurses, respiratory techs, doc-  the only way for healthcare profession-
        dollars during their work-                      There are several important   tors who formerly would be going about   als to survive is to depersonalize their
        ing career, and this income                   ways to protect your Practice   the business of recuperating patients in   charges and regard them as “cases.” To
        provides our lifestyles. You                  from the disability of the pri-  various stages of illness. The silence of   her credit and pain, she had not.
        should pay very close                         mary Physician. One idea is   oppressive. Oppressive because unlike   Magnifying the loss was the patient’s
        attention to your personal                    tax-deductible Overhead Ex -  previous ICU cases where the vast   widow and 3 young children. He was in
        Disability Income cover-    BY SUMMER         pense Insurance. This will   majority of patients would survive, few   his late 30s.
        age. If you suffer an injury                  reimburse the Practice for   occupants will recover.               The scene was replayed the following
        or prolonged illness, and   WESTERBUR         expenses incurred to help with   On one side, are the closed doors of   day. This time a pregnant mother with
        need to use this important insurance, your   employee salaries, temporary replacement   cubicles. Holes have been cut into the   severe COVID symptoms was flown in.
        claim will be governed by this contract.   Physician if needed, rent, utilities, equip-  doors through which pass various tubes   Over the course of several days, her con-
          Personal Disability plans should be peri-  ment costs/leasing, malpractice. After   connecting the patient to IV pumps and   dition deteriorated. To try to preserve
        odically reviewed because income and   accounts receivable are exhausted, how   other paraphernalia, allowing adjust-  her life and that of her unborn child, a
        lifestyles change over our  careers. You can   would you keep the Business going while   ments without entering the patient   hysterectomy was performed. The child
        self-insure or purchase coverage from an   you decide if you can return or not?   rooms. This minimizes staff contact   survived, but the mother did not.
        expert who understands how to tailor a   If there are multiple Owners, there are   with patients and lowers their potential   She left behind several small children
        program for your specific needs. Earned   important procedures that should be fol-  for contracting the virus. On a wall,   at home as well as her newborn child
        income is a multimillion-dollar asset. If   lowed to keep the health of the organism   seen only by staff, is a white board post-  who will never enjoy her mother’s hugs
        you suffer an injury or illness, you need an   that is the shared business. A carefully   ing the names of the patients. Room 1   or kisses. The emotional effect on her
        Advocate to help you when you need it   drafted Partnership Agreement is critical   on top and 8 on the bottom. Next to   caregivers exceeds description.
        most. Are you totally disabled or returning   and should be regularly reviewed. What   their name are symbols. “V” stands for   What these cases have in common is
        to work? What if you have a relapse? This   are the provisions for an injury or illness?   ventilator. “T” stands for tracheostomy.   the fact that neither of these patients
        is when a great agent can help you know   How long do the healthy remaining   A red dot, “DNR” or do not resuscitate.   were vaccinated. Nor are more than
        your options and provide assistance.   Partners cover for someone that is not   The family or the patient has made the   99% of the other cases in the ICU.
          So what do you look for in high quality   financially contributing? What do you do   decision that if their heart stops, they   At the end of Dante’s Inferno, his
        Personal Disability Income Insurance?   if a disabled Partner is only working part   will not receive cardiac massage and   Purgatorio, is a passage from his female
        Most physicians and other medical profes-  time and suffering relapses? Do you have   often futile measures ICU doctors use to   friend Casella: “As I once loved you in
        sionals want a contract with a definition of   liability if they are not 100 percent   preserve life.          my mortal flesh, without it now, I love
        disability in their specialty practice of   healthy?                         Looking though the glass, the     you still.” Why 700 years later should
        medicine. But there are other very impor-  As a Business Owner it would be wise to   patient’s unmoving head and upper   this be necessary? Why should the sur-
        tant contract features that need to be con-  create the exit ramp and buyout for a dis-  torso is seen. Their chest rising and   viving wife or husband have to love only
        sidered. What is the definition of residual   abled Partner. This agreement can allow   falling with the mechanical rhythm of   the memory of their lost spouse? Dante,
        disability? Do I need recovery benefits? Do   for return to work which may include   the ventilators. Others have an   in the end, was a poet of hope. As we
        I receive a cost of living raise if totally dis-  relapses, setbacks or total recovery for a   enhanced type of nasal cannula that are   have hope that our burden will soon
        abled? Can the price of my insurance   disabled Physician and Partner. The   capable of delivering higher flows of   end.
        increase or the coverage be canceled dur-  Practice will run better if these important   precious oxygen. Their breathing is   America has overcome 9/11, depres-
        ing my working career?               guidelines are set in place prior to a dis-  more spasmodic: they must work harder   sions, recessions, wars, and severe
          When disability strikes are you pre-  abling event, put in writing, and commu-  to supply their bodies with that essential   adversity. We will doubtlessly overcome
        pared? How will you continue paying your   nicated. These are easy prevention strate-  ingredient necessary to maintain cellu-  this pandemic. Life will again one day
        mortgage, auto, and other monthly    gies that are cost effective, can be tax   lar activity. When it falls too low, a tube   become normal. But we need to lower
        expenses? Does your retirement contribu-  favored, and benefit everyone involved.    is placed in their windpipe and a   the number of casualties. We have the
        tion stop? Could you pay any student                                       machine takes over. Once this occurs,   ability. We stopped smoking. We use
        loans? There are options in these contracts   Summer Westerbur, founder of Kairos   their chance for survival is around 10%.   seat belts. We have the means to do so.
        that will pay your loans, retirement plans,   Insurance Group, is experienced in all types   And even if they do survive, they likely   Creation of the vaccine in less than a
        and other expenses in the event of a dis-  of insurance including employee benefit pack-  will experience profound medical and   year is a miracle in itself!
        abling injury or illness. Most claims are ill-  ages, product liability, general liability, profes-  emotional scars.    There is only so much pain and suffer-
        ness not injury and suffering a long-term   sional liability and building insurance. Kairos   What is different from our experience   ing that the psyche of health givers can
        reduction in income could be devastating.   also has expanded to include a Cannabis   a year ago is the color of the patients’   endure. And they (we) have given them-
          If you own a Practice or purchase one,   Division to address the unique challenges    hair. A year ago, it was gray. Now it is   selves selflessly for over a year and a
        you have turned into a Business Owner,       facing the cannabis industry and its   brown. Many men sport beards and   half. While there is no Virgil to lead us
        this provides opportunity and presents   employees. For more information, contact   upper torsos that look formidable and   out of hell, there are vaccines. There are
        expanded risk. As the Owner if you were    robust. Except for the tubes protruding   masks. There is simple distancing. To
        to suffer from a disabling injury or pro-            or call (719) 331-1832.   from their nose, mouth or neck, they   those who deny the reality of the pan-
        longed illness for 60 days or 180 days and                                 look like they could pull out their IV,
                                                                                   pack up their belongings and walk out   demic and its morbid consequences, I
                                                                                   of the hospital. It is unlikely that they   ask: please help us. Use those measures
                                                                                   will.                               to keep yourself and others healthy.
                                                                     O O
                                  WHA          T ARRE YOU                          to be crying softly. The day before, as   President of the Broward County Medical

                                                                                     This past week, a nurse was observed
                                                                                                                              Dr. Arthur E. Palamara is the Past
                                                                                   her patient’s condition worsened, his
                                         AITINGG FORR?
                                   W     A                                         family came in. They knew that they      Association and a vascular surgeon in
                                                                                                                                             Hollywood, FL.
                                                                                   were probably saying good-by. The
                                                   As sociate Degr ee In Nurrsing
                                            r P  actical Nursingg • Medical  As sissting
                                           Assisting with B
                                    Medical As sisting with BBasicBasic  X -Ray Oper a
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                   F inancial aid available for those who qqualify   C .  ar eer placement as sistance for all gr aduates.  F or consumeer information,  visit
         8                         October 2021                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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