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                 Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due: Our Physicians Are Our Heart

          The past two years have created extraordinary challenges for                                      passion of a physician to each patient interaction. We
        physicians. Particularly for those caring for seniors, the COVID-19                                 recognize not only the cognitive effort but also the
        pandemic imposed a physical, mental and emotional burden on                                         emotional commitment that goes into providing care,
        doctors, who in the blink of an eye faced new processes, new                                        every single day, for every single patient.
        pressures and new priorities in keeping their patients safe and                                       We honor our physicians for their sense of duty
        healthy.                                                                                            and humanity in providing the best care for our sen-
          As Conviva Care Centers closely monitored the pandemic, our                                       iors, from seeing patients in our centers to quarter-
        physicians and operations staff continuously provided guidance to                                   backing our team effort to support our patients’
        seniors on how best to safeguard themselves and their families.                                     holistic needs.
        Our physicians led organization efforts to acquire and deliver
        COVID-19 vaccinations, and at the same time created safety pro-                                     Pride and Gratitude
        tocols so our patient care operations could continue while protect-  BY VIVEK GARG, MD, AND STEVE LEE, MD   Our primary care physicians are an inspiration for
        ing staff and patients alike. They proactively reached out to our                                   our organization and are a big reason why Conviva
        most vulnerable patients, including those who contracted                                            earned the 2021 eHealthcare Leadership Award in
        COVID-19, and delivered food to those facing difficulty in their daily lives.    the “Best COVID-19 Pandemic Related Communications” category.
          With the pandemic beginning to relax its grip, this seems a good time to step back,   To our physicians and care team members: We are profoundly grateful to you for
        catch our breath, and say thank you. Thanks to all of you who have invested so much   staying the course during these unprecedented times. Your care promotes longevity
        of your time and energy in becoming a guiding light through this crisis and continu-  and improves lives. You know that healthcare isn't only about managing diseases —
        ing to provide high-quality care for your patients.                      it’s also about ensuring that our patients have the environment and support to thrive,
          I so appreciate the rich life experiences our elders have lived. For many of them,   including nourishing food, a loving community, and a safe place to live.
        with age comes health issues and, quite often, diminishing social support. The physi-  You are helping seniors live longer, fuller lives. It has been an incredible time of
        cians who lead the Conviva care teams know this well. They understand the impor-  change and challenge, but your commitment to service as a healthcare professional
        tance of care management, addressing emotional and social health, and seeing the   has been steadfast. We thank you and we salute you.
        whole person, in order to help our patients live their best lives. Our physicians work
        to ease friction in care while participating in the joy our seniors hold in their lives.   Dr. Vivek Garg is Chief Medical Officer for Humana’s Primary Care Organization. Dr. Steve
        They build relationships with both our patients and their loved ones, so that together        Lee is Chief Medical Officer, Florida Division, Conviva Care Centers.
        they can enable our patients to age well.                                       For more information about Conviva Care Centers, visit
          It takes a lot to become a physician, and it takes a lot to bring the skills and com-

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         28                       March 2022                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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