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                                                                            PULMONARY, CRITICAL CARE & SLEEP DISORDERS

                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF SOUTH FLORIDA

                                                                       David Weissberger, MD

                                                                         Dr. David Weissberger is originally from Scranton, PA and has been
                                                                       practicing pulmonary medicine in Palm Beach County since 1979. He
                                                                       attended Temple University and graduated with an A.B. in Biology. He
                                                                       then studied medicine at Penn State in Hershey, PA. He did his internal
                                                                       medicine residency at Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, part of Washington
                                                                       University. He did his pulmonary fellowship at Mt. Sinai Hospital in
           Edwin Harvey Hamilton,                                      Miami Beach.
           MD, D. MIN.                                                   In his free time Dr. Weissberger enjoys playing tennis. He also enjoys
                                                                       traveling to California and visiting wineries. He is an active member and
                                                                       participant in synagogue activities.
             Dr. Edwin Harvey Hamilton, D.                               Weissberger has enjoyed practicing pulmonary medicine and hopes to continue caring for
           Min. passed away on his 91st birth-                         patients as part of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Disorders Institute of South Florida.
           day, January 31, 2022. Dr. Hamilton
           was a member of the Broward
           County Medical Association for 53                           Carlos Sanchez, MD
           years, and was an Emeritus Member.
           He was honored by the BCMA at the                             Dr. Carlos Sanchez is a Pulmonary/Critical Care physician originally
           June 5, 2021 Annual Dinner for his                          from Argentina. He has been practicing medicine since 1998 and studied
           dedication to the profession of medicine. Dr. Hamilton was   at several universities including UMDNJ, Beth Israel Medical Center, and
           installed in 2002 as the BCMA’s first African-American      Hofstra University. He was the Chief Medical Resident at UMDNJ where
           President. Dr. Hamilton broke many barriers and contributed   he studied Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care
           greatly to increase the quality of health for the African-  Medicine, and Sleep Medicine.
           American community. It is likely that his outreach efforts    Dr. Sanchez is certified in both Internal and Pulmonary/Critical Care
           saved many lives. Dr. Hamilton had continued to serve on the   medicine and he now specializes in treating conditions such as COPD,
           Board of Directors and had been on many BCMA Committees,    Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, and other pulmonary dis-
           and chaired the BCMA We Care Program.                       eases.
                                                                         In his free time, Dr. Sanchez participates in philanthropic events that support those in his com-
                                                                       munity. When he is not treating patients or attending philanthropy events, you can find him
                                                                       spending time with his family.

                                      “Fr         om Caring                               Comees Cour                               a                  ”


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lao T z


                                                                                                                Our  ph y sicians a t Br w ar d H ealth
                                                                                                                   ar e dedica t ed to caring f or
                                                                                                                o thers. A s  w e  c eleb t e  N a tional
                                                                                                                    Doct ors ’  Da  , y  we thank all
                                                                                                                 ph y sicians f or  servving pa tien ts
                                                                                                                 with kindness and ompassion.
                          Br o w ardH    g
                                d ealth.or
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