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Golisano Children’s                                    Next Gen CCM, the Quadruple Aim,

         Hospital Receives                                                    and Patient Centricity
                                               Your Doctor In Touch (YDIT) lever-                                            Patient-Centricity/QA
         Hospital Award from                 ages patient centricity to help advance                                         Combination
                                             the Quadruple Aim (QA) in its Next                                                Patient centricity is pivotal to
         The Florida Asthma                  Gen Chronic Care Management (CCM)                                               advancing the QA in Next Gen
                                             program. This CCM program generates                                             CCM, and together these two
         Coalition                           high patient satisfaction, increases                                            value-added components of
                                             patient engagement and retention in                                             Next Gen CCM work together as
           The Florida Asthma Coalition is   CCM, ensures maximum MIPS scores,                                               follows:
         honoring Golisano Children’s Hospital   and therefore, greater revenue for partic-                                    1) Patient experience of care is
         of Southwest Florida for being recog-  ipating medical practices. Along with                                        enhanced by focusing on what
         nized as an Asthma-Friendly Hospital.   the large increase in Medicare CCM                                          matters most to the patient.
         The award represents Golisano       reimbursement for 2022, participation                                           Patient satisfaction increases
         Children’s Hospital’s efforts to create a   in this innovative program is a must for   BY RICHARD GROSSO, CEO, AND SCOTT RICE,   when they become engaged in
         safe and healthy environment for their   primary care practices.                    MD, PHD, MBA, MS                their care.
         patients with asthma.                                                                                                 2) Better outcomes for the
           The Asthma-Friendly Hospital des-  The Quadruple Aim                                                              Medicare patient population
         ignation is a recognition designed to   The Quadruple Aim framework– enhanced patient experi-  having multiple chronic conditions result from adherence to
         improve asthma management at hospi-  ence of care, better health of populations, reduced health care   QA guidance and patient shared decision-making.
         tals by reducing health risks for asth-  costs and increased physician satisfaction – guides continuous   3) Reduced Medicare costs result from increased patient well-
         ma patients, prevent and minimize   improvement in health care. The four pillars are integrated to   ness.
         asthma-related ER visits and hospital-  function in concert, so implementation of all four pillars is   4) Physician satisfaction increases and burnout decreases by
         izations, and reduce readmissions for   required for optimal effectiveness. YDIT has strategically   having healthier patients, meeting MIPS requirements, and
         acute severe asthma exacerbations.   embedded the QA to guide Next Gen CCM delivery.       generating significant new revenue.
           To earn this recognition, team mem-
         bers at Golisano Children’s Hospital   Patient Centricity                                  Summary
         successfully completed multiple crite-  Patient centricity is front and center in Next Gen CCM. From   The Next Gen CCM innovation of pairing patient centricity
         ria that focused on professional devel-  the beginning, Medicare CCM has required shared decision-  with the QA creates synergy that increases patient satisfaction,
         opment for nurses, physicians and res-  making between practitioners and patients. When patients   improves patient outcomes, improves MIPS scores and pro-
         piratory therapists on asthma manage-  believe health care professionals genuinely listen and act on   motes patient wellness. Your Doctor In Touch promotes health
         ment and the creation of an asthma   what matters to them, they are more likely to be engaged in   and disease prevention through health caring.
         action plan. They also updated educa-  their care. Therefore, YDIT has built a patient-centered culture
         tional folders that they give to patients   by recruiting compassionate care managers who listen closely   To find out how you can set your practice up for success
         and families who are admitted for asth-  to patient priorities and provide them the most appropriate                   with MIPS and Next Gen CCM,
         ma to make them more robust. The    supportive CCM services.                                                 contact Richard Grosso at
         Golisano Children’s Hospital team also                                                                     Dr. Scott Rice is CMO at Your Doctor In Touch.
         added new, kid-oriented videos to the
         learner iPads in the hospital.

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