P. 15


        Dr. Glenn Flores Named Chair of                                           Memorial Healthcare System
        Pediatrics at University of Miami                                         Appoints Dr. Marc L. Napp as
        Health System/Miller School of                                            Senior Vice President and Chief

        Medicine                                                                  Medical Officer

          Glenn Flores, M.D., FAAP, director of the Health Services                 Memorial Healthcare System has appointed to its top
        Research Institute at Connecticut Children’s Medical                      medical position Marc L. Napp, M.D., MS, FACS, who will
        Center and professor of pediatrics at the University of                   serve as Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer.
        Connecticut School of Medicine, has been named chair of                     Dr. Napp previously worked at Mount Sinai Health
        the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Miami   Dr. Glenn Flores   System in New York, as the Deputy Chief Medical Officer,   Dr. Marc L. Napp
        Miller School of Medicine.                                                and the leader of Mount Sinai’s system-wide emergency
          Dr. Flores will also serve as senior associate dean for child health, the George E.   management program, including the System’s response to COVID-19. Previous to
        Batchelor Endowed Chair in Child Health, and physician-in-chief at Holtz Children's   Mount Sinai, Dr. Napp held various medical leadership positions at New York’s
        Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center.                           Northwell Health and Lenox Hill Hospital, providing oversight for all aspects of med-
          After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard College, Dr. Flores received his   ical staff operations. He began his career as an Attending General Surgeon at Surgical
        medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, followed by a resi-  Associates of Western Connecticut and Danbury Hospital in Danbury, CT. He has
        dency in pediatrics at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and a fellowship   held senior positions in academic, community and integrated healthcare delivery set-
        in the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at Yale University School of   tings, and has extensive experience managing medical staff operations, driving sys-
        Medicine.                                                                 temness and improving alignment of clinical operations.
          He has served in leadership positions in pediatrics at Boston Medical Center,   Dr. Napp earned his medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
        Medical College of Wisconsin, and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical   an MS in Administrative Medicine from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and
        Center in Dallas, and as distinguished chair of health policy research at the Medical   a BSE in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University.
        Research Institute in Minneapolis and as a research affiliate at the Mayo Clinic in
        Rochester, Minnesota.

        Dr. Francis Hornicek Named Chair                                                       Subscribe to...
        of Department of Orthopaedics at                                                SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS
        University of Miami Health System
        and Leader at Sylvester                                                           & HEALTHCARE REPORT today!

                                                                                                      Subscribe online at
          Francis Hornicek, M.D., Ph.D., has been named chair of                
        the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of                                          or call 561-368-6950
        Miami Health System and Miller School of Medicine. Dr.
        Hornicek, who completed his residency at University of
        Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital and began his academic   Dr. Francis Hornicek
        career on the Miller School faculty, has served most recent-
        ly as chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of California,   “MY DOC OR           ... MY HHOME               ...
        Los Angeles.
          Dr. Hornicek has also been named director of orthopaedic oncology at Sylvester
                                                                                                        E CE OF MIN .
        Comprehensive Cancer Center. He will serve as a member of the Sylvester Clinical     MY PEA                               ND      ”
        Research Advisory Board, the Scientific Steering Committee, and the Academic
        Advisory Council, among other leadership activities. He will work closely with
        Sylvester Director Stephen D. Nimer, M.D., and Associate Director for Clinical
        Research Jonathan C. Trent, M.D., Ph.D., to expand sarcoma care and research.
          During his distinguished career Dr. Hornicek has also been a faculty member at
        Harvard Medical School, where he became chief of the Musculoskeletal Oncology

        Board-Certified Dermatologist and
        Mohs Surgeon Sean McGregor, DO,
        PharmD, Joins Cleveland Clinic

        Indian River Hospital

          Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital welcomes board-
        certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained Mohs sur-
        geon Sean McGregor, D.O.
          Dr. McGregor completed a fellowship in Micrographic                           WITHmyDOC Remote Patient Monitoringg provides
        Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology in association with   Dr. Sean McGregor       connection, integgration and collaborationn with YOUR
        Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon, Georgia.
        Prior to fellowship, he completed his dermatology residency at Wake Forest      trusted physician anytime ... anywhere.
        University School of Medicine in North Carolina. He completed his medical training   T Teelehealth PLUS
        at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Georgia Campus, in Suwanee,
        Ga. In addition, he earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the Lloyd L. Gregory          •  Remote m monitoring of patient’s vitaals
        School of Pharmacy at Palm Beach Atlantic University prior to his medical training.     •  Access to o patient’’ss medical history
          Prior to joining Indian River Hospital, Dr. McGregor worked as a dermatologist and    •  Seamless s virtual experience
        Mohs surgeon on the Treasure Coast.
                                                                                            AS CLOSE AS IT GETS TO A REAL OFFFICE VISIT

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    May 2021                          15
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