P. 45

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            Salute to Nursing...

                                                           Celebrating Our Nurses

          Every May, we celebrate                       The toll taken on every   care system as a whole.              to do their essential work. When these
        Nurses Week (May 6-12)                         health care professional from   For the last decade, hospital leaders   programs are threatened, we need an army
        and National Hospital                          COVID-19 was substantial.   focused on employee satisfaction in part   of advocates to protect them.
        Week (May 9-15). Both                          Those working in our emer-  because it is critical for patient satisfac-  • How to ensure supply chain stability
        occasions are an opportu-                      gency departments, ICUs and   tion and good outcomes. One study of   and flexibility. No one was more affected
        nity to highlight and honor                    with patients hospitalized   nurses’ job satisfaction, for example,   by PPE shortages than our nurses and
        the essential role of health                   with COVID-19 put their    found that a 25 percent increase in nurse   other frontline health care workers. Their
        care systems and profes-                       lives on the line. Some, tragi-  job satisfaction was associated with an   experiences deserve to be heard.
        sionals in keeping us                          cally, lost their lives as a   overall increase in quality of care   • The appropriate role of technology in
        healthy as individuals and                     result. The physical exhaus-  between five and 20 percent.      health care. From telemedicine to AI,
        as communities. Fittingly,                     tion and emotional repercus-  Today, that focus on job satisfaction   engaging our workforce in the develop-
        National Hospital Week                         sions, too, were real. The   must include soliciting their experiences   ment and implementation of health care
        always falls on the week of   BY MARY MAYHEW   impacts on health care work-  from the last year in order to make pur-  technology will ensure that it is making
        Florence   Nightingale’s                       ers who were furloughed or   poseful changes that improve patient   health care better for our patients.
        birthday – May 12 – as                         laid off because of the sus-  care as well as sharing information about   • How to overcome vaccine hesitancy.
        hospitals are empty vessels without the   pension of elective procedures and the   the financial and operational challenges   Year over year, nurses rank as the most
        nurses who serve in them.            closure of office-based practices were   facing hospitals.                trusted profession in America. We must
          Approximately 250,000 active regis-  also serious.                        Nurses’ work at the bedside is shaped   leverage their voices to make sure that
        tered nurses live and work in Florida.   This year is different. The coronavirus   by policy, operational and financial forces   questions about COVID-19 vaccine safe-
        Their work is diverse – from hospitals   is still with us, but with more advanced   that may be outside the scope of their   ty and effectiveness are answered clearly,
        and nursing homes to primary care prac-  treatments and vaccines, more hopeful   clinical practice but are very much rele-  logically, and with compassion and
        tices and mobile clinics. Their mission,   times are ahead. This does not mean that   vant. We can help our nurses by engag-  respect.
        however, is singular: to care for the hurt,   our frontline workers no longer need our   ing them and empowering them to take   The post-COVID challenges for health
        the sick, and the vulnerable and to pro-  support. The opposite, in fact, is true. As   part in these important topics including:   care institutions are significant. Engaging
        mote health.                         we emerge from the worst of the pan-   • How hospital financing and reim-  nurses is how we meet these challenges
          Last year, both National Hospital Week   demic, now is the time not only to thank   bursement works. From private insur-  head on, ensure meaningful job satisfac-
        and Nurses Week took on a new level of   our nurses for their sacrifices but also to   ance to supplemental payment programs,   tion, and position Florida as the nation’s
        significance. The COVID-19 crisis chal-  double down on our investment in them.   health care financing is complex. But that   health care leader.
        lenged hospitals and their workforce as   One of the ways we do this is by mean-  complexity cannot be an excuse for not
        never before, and no institution was   ingfully engaging them in shaping the   sharing information on how these financ-  Mary Mayhew is President and CEO of the
        spared.                              future of our institutions and the health   ing forces directly impact clinicians’ ability   Florida Hospital Association.

         Cover Story: Shane Strum Joins Broward Health Names as President and CEO

         Continued from page 1
         health functions. Before he joined   strong, large network throughout the   leadership team and I intend to capitalize   spirit of collaboration.”
         Memorial’s executive team, Strum served   County.”                       on this momentum to successfully exe-  Strum hopes the community views
         on the South Broward Hospital District   Strum says that there have been   cute our short- and long-term strate-  Broward Health as a hometown hero—
         Board for several years, including two   tremendous efforts made to bring tech-  gies.”                      one which has been on the front lines
         terms as chairman.                  nology and advanced treatment to all   Whether he was working in health-  long before the pandemic.
          In his first week on the job at Broward   Broward Health locations, which helps   care, higher education or government,   “You've seen Broward Health rise
         Health, Strum says he hit the ground   distinguish the system from other   Strum has always enjoyed serving the   through the tragedy in Parkland, the
         running.                            providers.                           community.                          pandemic and so many other instances,”
          "I've taken time to meet with internal   “I think as we build upon existing   “It's an amazing feeling giving back   he says. “Throughout those events,
         and external teams, including senior   assets and find new ways to differentiate   and helping people,” explains Strum.   Broward Health was there for our
         staff, executives, and especially our care-  ourselves from many of the competitors   “Large healthcare systems, in particular,   patients and their loved ones. The com-
         givers on the frontline,” he says. “I feel   in the South Florida marketplace, we'll   always do a tremendous job with com-  munity should be extremely proud that
         very honored to be working alongside   continue to move the needle,” says   munity engagement. Not only are they   they can call Broward Health their
         our caregivers, who have inspired me   Strum.                            helping on the frontline, but they're   provider of choice. They've got exempla-
         with their passion to enhance the quality   Making organizational contributions is   active in their local communities. When   ry care, and it's available in their own
         of healthcare we provide.”          a trend for Strum, who says he chose to   I was in the governor's office, the team   backyard. I would encourage community
          Strum plans on ramping up his short-   join previous employers because there   and I were hands-on during the COVID-  members to become engaged with
         and long-term strategies over the next 60   was something that needed to be accom-  19 pandemic. It was inspiring how   Broward Health and learn more. As the
         to 90 days.                         plished – and he felt he could attain – to   health systems effectively worked   new CEO, that's something that I want to
          “A primary goal is ensuring that our   help make those businesses stronger.    together. It was probably one of the few   do as well. I want to be much more
         community has access to extremely high-  “I feel I was able to identify and   times we had an opportunity to collec-  active, not only with the healthcare sys-
         quality care,” he says. “We want people   achieve specific goals for each of my for-  tively talk to all the hospital CEOs across   tem and the employees, but also our
         to know that our hospitals are close to   mer employers,” he says. “I look forward   the state of Florida, especially in South   community.”
         their home. I think one thing people   to doing the same thing at Broward   Florida, where we have a large popula-
         don't realize is that we have a lot of com-  Health. This system has significant   tion and a lot of hospitals. Everybody   For more information, visit
         petition in our backyard from other   opportunities, and I enter at a time when   worked extremely well together. While
         healthcare providers, but we do have a   excitement and energy are high. The   they are competitors, there was a real

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    May 2021                         45
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