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                        ST. MARY’S  MEDICAL CENTER                                                  JUPITER MEDICAL CENTER

        Donna Smith, BSN                                                          Todd Wagner, RN, BSN, CEN

          Trauma nurse, Donna Smith, has 30 years of experience treat-
        ing patients at St. Mary’s Medical Center. Smith treats those who           When Todd Wagner decided to study nursing, it was because
        have been stabbed, shot, injured in motor vehicle accidents and           he was looking for job security. Once he began taking classes, he
                                                                                  realized that nursing was his true calling. Todd studied human
        falls. She says the most rewarding thing about being a nurse is
        making a personal connection with her patients. According to              health and development at Penn State University, where he
        Smith, when you show kindness and compassion to patients, it              received multiple academic achievement awards. He completed
        can make a lasting impact on their lives. One particular story            an RN diploma program at the Jameson Memorial Hospital
                                                                                  School of Nursing and later earned his BSN at Western
        stands out more than any other. She once cared for a patient who
        spent several weeks in the hospital, and over the course of his           Governors University. After three years in orthopedics, stroke
        stay , he lost his job and apartment, and he had no family to come        care, and telemetry, Todd served as a flight nurse of an air med-
                                                                                  ical crew and later focused exclusively on emergency medical
        visit and help care for him. When he was getting close to being discharged, the nurses took
                                                                                  care. He currently serves as assistant clinical manager in the Jupiter Medical Center
        up a collection and bought him new clothes before he left. The patient was so moved by the
        kind gesture, and it made Smith so proud to be a part of such a wonderful team. She earned   Emergency Department. In addition to his certification as an emergency nurse, Todd is cer-
        her bachelor’s degree from Palm Beach State, and when she’s not at the hospital, she uses   tified in basic, advanced, and pediatric life support and PICC line insertion. A member of
                                                                                  the Emergency Nursing Association, in 2016, Todd received the Daisy Award celebrating
        her time to make pillows and other items with scripture and motivational phrases to inspire
        and give hope to others.                                                  the extraordinary compassion nurses provide for patients. In his spare time, he enjoys
                                                                                  competing in expert-level motorcycle road racing. Todd and his wife, Francisca, have one
                                                                                  child, 18-month-old Valentina.
        Sarah Sarubbi, ASN, BSN
                                                                                  Josefina Milgroom, RN
          As a pediatric nurse, Sarah Sarubbi loves being able to treat
        both her patients and their families during their time of need. She
        has been on staff at the Palm Beach Children’s Hospital for nearly          Josefina Milgroom worked in accounting for several years
                                                                                  before deciding she wanted to be in a profession that would help
        four years and considers it an honor to be a nurse. What Sarubbi          other people and make her then-newborn son proud of her.
        loves most about being a nurse is having the opportunity to               Nursing checked both boxes. Josefina is a graduate of Broward
        develop relationships with her patients and their families.               Community College, where she earned an Associate of Arts
        According to Sarubbi, the most rewarding feeling for any nurse is
                                                                                  degree, and Palm Beach State College, where she earned an
        to have the patients go home healthier than when they arrived.            Associate of Applied Science degree in nursing. She began work-
        She recalls one family she became very close with whose child             ing at Jupiter Medical Center as a nurse technician during her
        stayed in the hospital for two weeks with high fevers. Even on
                                                                                  last year of studies. Upon graduation, Josefina became a staff
        her toughest days, she would always get excited to see the family when she came to work.
                                                                                  nurse in the hospital’s surgical inpatient unit and later transitioned to the orthopedic unit,
        After several weeks of treatment, the child recovered and got to go home. Sarubbi graduated   where she currently is the assistant clinical manager. Patients and colleagues praise Josefina
        from Palm Beach State College with an associate degree and bachelor’s degree in nursing.   for her collaborative spirit, her skills as a leader and a mentor, and her commitment to safe-
        When she isn’t working, she is an outdoorsman and loves to fish and go boating with her   guarding the medical needs and well-being of her patients. Josefina and her husband,
        husband and friends.                                                      Chris, have one son Bryen, age 16, who is no doubt, very proud of his mom.

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