P. 13

What’s New...What’s New...

            Health Care District of Palm Beach                        Good Samaritan Medical Center

           County Collaborates with the Area                          Becomes First Hospital in Palm                            South Florida's

           Agency on Aging to Protect Seniors                              Beach County to Use the                                 Monthly
                                                                            ProACT™ Technology                              Healthcare Newspaper

          The Health Care
        District of Palm Beach                                                                                                    PO Box 812708
        County and the Area                                        Good   Samaritan   Medical                                Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
        Agency on Aging of                                       Center is the first hospital in Palm                         Phone: (561) 368-6950

        Palm   Beach   and                                       Beach   County   using   the
        Treasure      Coast                                      ProACT™ technology from URO-                                       Website:
        (Agency) are collabo-                                    MEDICA. The ProACT™ system
        rating to protect sen-                                   is implanted within the body to               

        iors during the ongo-                                    assist protection against acciden-
        ing pandemic. The                                        tal urine leakage. This can occur                                CHARLES FELIX
        Health Care District’s                                   during everyday activities such as                                CAROL FELIX
        C.   L.   Brumback                                       coughing, sneezing, or physical                                    Publishers
        Primary Care Clinics                                     activity. Dr. Antonio Beltran, urol-
        supplied     several                                     ogist on staff at Good Samaritan   Dr. Antonio Beltran          NANCY LAMMIE
        boxes of N95 masks and COVID-19 test kits at no cost to dis-  Medical Center, is the first physi-                            Editor
        tribute to aging network providers and senior volunteers who   cian to use this new system.
                                                                                                                                  JUDY GRAMM
        deliver educational programs in the public schools.        “Incontinence can be an issue for men post-surgery from   Editorial Manager & Webmaster
          “We’re pleased to partner with the Area Agency on Aging to   prostate cancer, and some may feel they have no options to
        keep our senior residents healthy,” said Darcy J. Davis, CEO of   control their bladder once they have their prostate removed,   JMC GRAPHICS
        the Health Care District of Palm Beach County. “The Health   said Dr. Beltran. “The ProACT technology is a simple implan-  Art/Production
        Care District is a leader in countywide COVID response, from   tation for patients allowing them better control of their bladder
        mobilizing the first mass vaccination and drive-thru testing   so they don’t have unwanted accidents throughout the day.”   412-877-5321
        sites to ongoing efforts in our primary care clinics and school   The ProACT™, Adjustable Continence Therapy for Men
        health program that serve and safeguard adults and children.   consists of two small, adjustable silicone balloons each con-  CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        These extra layers of protection for seniors will benefit some of   nected with tubing to a port. The balloons are placed where the   Daniel Casciato
        the most vulnerable in our community.”                   prostate was removed or resected. The fluid-filled balloons      Barbara Fallon
          Older adults and people with disabilities—particularly those   apply pressure to and support the bladder neck, which helps   Vanessa Orr
        from underserved communities—have been disproportionately   prevent accidental leakage of urine. The ports are placed just   Lois Thomson
        impacted by the pandemic and are among the most at-risk due   below the skin in the patients’ scrotum allowing the physician
        to COVID-19. Partnerships between community providers and   to adjust the balloon to meet the patients’ individual needs.
        aging and disability networks can be an important strategy for
        supporting those most at risk.                                                                                       LOOK FOR OUR

                                                                                                                               NEXT ISSUE
        Cover Story: Aurelio Fernandez Retires                                                                                     IN MAY

        as Memorial Healthcare CEO                                                                                              TO REACH US
        Continued from page 1                                  “We have 14,000 employees,” he says. “We have the finest
        nurses, and respiratory therapy staff.”                executive and administrative team as well as a great employee   OR EDITORIAL
          Fernandez, who was born in Havana, Cuba and has been a   workforce. There's a culture of collaboration and doing what's   Call (561) 368-6950
        resident of South Florida for the past 61 years, has been a   right for the patient and creating a safe environment that I have
        healthcare professional for over 45 years in the Tri-County mar-  never seen in my career. I'll miss that. I'll also miss the fact that   or e-mail
        ket. Sixteen years ago he joined Memorial Hospital Miramar as   anytime we needed to do a project and went to the board com-

        CEO. He was promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief   missioners to ask for the resources, they were there willing and
        Operating Officer for the Memorial Healthcare System in 2012   able to provide us with the resources—not necessarily financial
        and in 2016 was chosen as President and CEO of Memorial by   all the time, but in any aspect to augment the workforce and do

        the South Broward Hospital District Board of Commissioners.     a variety of other things.”                           SUBSCRIPTIONS
          Prior to joining Memorial Healthcare System, Fernandez   As he dwells on the future of the healthcare system and       One Year $40
        spent 11 years in a variety of positions with Tenet Healthcare,   where it's headed, Fernandez says that COVID-19 disrupted
        including CEO at Hialeah Hospital and Florida Medical Center   healthcare in such a way that it will never be the same.    Two Years $60
        as well as Executive Director for Tenet Network Management.    “What we need to take advantage of, at least where Memorial   Three Years $75
        During the 1990’s, Fernandez was CEO of Palm-Med Health   is concerned, is to invest a significant amount of resources,
        Services specializing in physician ventures as well as actively   both in capital and personnel, to elevate our telecommunica-
        participating in organizing physician hospital organizations.   tion platform and leverage it to create a much more robust vir-  To subscribe,
          Throughout his 16 years at Memorial, he says the system   tual environment,” he says. “Our numbers, when it comes to   call (561) 368-6950
        always had the ability to have the resources to do what's right   virtual visits and telemedicine, have just gone through the roof,   or subscribe online at
        for the patients.                                      but we need to go beyond that. We need to provide the con-
          “Our mission is to be a community provider,” he explains.   sumer with access to healthcare, even when it’s not in person,
        “So in South Florida, not only did we have the safest environ-  and leverage that technology to do it virtually and therefore   ____________

        ment, but the most comprehensive level of services, such as car-  improve access. I don't see us going back to the old ways of
        diology, neurosciences, and oncology, for patients in pediatrics   doing things. I'm a firm believer that we need to reallocate our   All rights reserved. Reproduction
        to adulthood. Very few in our market have the resources neces-  capital dollars into technology. The more we do that, the more   in whole or part without written
        sary to deliver that. To me, that was a key differentiator between   the consumer will have access to our services.”   permission prohibited. Copyright © 2022
        us and others in the market.”                            As for what’s next for him? Fernandez plans to rest and take
          When asked about his greatest accomplishment, Fernandez   it easy—at least in the short term.
        says that it was the ability to elevate the organization to its full   “I know I'm not going to do anything for six months to adjust
        potential.                                             to a new lifestyle,” he says. “But after six months, I will recon-  Don’t forget to include
          “You do that by engaging all the caregivers, support staff and   sider what I'm going to be doing. I’m not interested in working   South Florida Hospital News
        medical staff to understand the mission and why we're here,” he   full time; but maybe part-time. After 45 years of doing this, I
        says. “We have accomplished that in a variety of ways and   think I've paid my dues!”                                & Healthcare Report
        they're quantifiable and measurable. To me, that is our biggest                                                     in your Marketing Plans
        accomplishment since I've been here.”                                       For more information, visit
          Fernandez says he will miss the people at Memorial the most.                                                  Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                  April 2022                          13
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