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Malpractice Insurance                                                     Let’s Connect:

                                 EXPERT ADVICE
                                                                                    ACHE of South Florida Spotlight

             Increasing Cyberattacks Driving

                   Up Cyber Insurance Rates                                        Cover Story: ACHE of South Florida
                                                                                   Member Spotlight: Arianna Silcott Lo
           BY VANESSA ORR                              trol for the last year, but now
                                                       we have the Russians making   Continued from page 1
          It is imperative that                        cyberattack threats, and pro-
        healthcare companies carry                     grams with zero-click vulner-  In addition to working in the U.S. healthcare system for a number of years, Silcott Lo
        cyber insurance; after all,                    abilities,” said Gracey. “These   also spent two years during her healthcare fellowship working in the government sector
        protecting patients’ medical                   are really nasty programs,   for British Overseas Healthcare Services.
        records is of the utmost                       such as SolarWinds and       Silcott Lo joined the Orlando chapter of ACHE in 2012, and switched to the South
        importance. Unfortunately,                     Pegasus, where there is no   Florida chapter after she moved to the area in 2017.
        as the threat of cyberat-                      action needed on the user’s   “I joined for the networking and educational opportunities, and was very active with
        tacks, including malware                       part for cyber criminals to   the Student Services Committee as a member,” said Silcott Lo. “I served on that commit-
        and ransomware increases,                      enter into their system.   tee for four years, helping out while earning my master’s degree. I also took part in the
        so do the rates for this                        “Layer all of this together,   essay competition for the South Florida chapter, which I won!”
        essential coverage.           Matt Gracey      and it shows how vulnerable   In her role as chair-elect, Silcott Lo plans to continue helping the chapter’s younger
          “We are now seeing our                       we have become and how     members and is currently working on the upcoming case competition April 9 and a
        healthcare clients face cyber insurance   important it is to make sure that the   career development event to be held on April 21.
        renewal rate increases of between 45-90   defenses we do have are up and function-  “We are hosting a student development career panel where we will be discussing alter-
        percent,” explained Matt Gracey, manag-  ing as fully as possible,” he added.   native ways of getting into healthcare, whether through fellowships, as early careerists,
        ing director, Risk Strategies / Danna-  Gracey advises companies to focus on   or through consulting positions, for example,” she explained. “There are many other
        Gracey. “Within the last three to four   Cyber Hygiene 101—making sure they   routes outside of a hospital fellowship to get into the field, though we will also discuss
        months, this coverage has gone complete-  have installed effective anti-virus pro-  that route and how to succeed.”
        ly crazy with much higher pricing, much   grams with strong passwords, and check-  Silcott Lo advises those interested in a healthcare career to join ACHE early, as mem-
        more restrictive underwriting and more   ing that their cybersecurity is updated.    bership can help at every stage of the journey.
        requirements placed on clients—like hav-  “Many practices install good cyber secu-  “I 100 percent use what I’ve learned at ACHE in my everyday life,” she said. “It helps
        ing multifactor authentication now as a   rity but forget to update the systems,” he   me keep up-to-date on what different organizations are doing—for example, pre-COVID,
        base requirement for coverage—in prac-  said. “This is critically important to pro-  during COVID and after.
        tices of every size.                tecting yourself from cyber criminals.”   “I learn a lot from the educational events about what the healthcare landscape looks
          “This was happening even before the   As cyber threats continue to rise, so will   like and where I can play a part,” she added.
        Russia/Ukraine situation and increasingly   the cost of insurance coverage.
        high threats of Russian cyberattacks on   “Cyber insurance companies are in
        America,” he added. “Healthcare is the   uncharted territory because there is not             Visit us on the web at
        number one attacked industry in the   enough good actuarial data on cyberat-
        cyberattack world, and we have to consid-  tacks to be able to make sound forecasts of
        er the fact that we could face severe dis-  where the rates should be in order to han-
        ruptions in its delivery.”          dle the risk exposure,” said Gracey. “It’s

          Gracey noted that in 2017, hospitals in   not like we have 50 years of automobile
                                                                                        o Y

        England and Scotland had to shut down   accident data, which makes it easy to   our pa     t ients’
        emergency room care as the result of   determine the monetary risk. In the cyber

                                                                                                                 . .

        cyberattacks caused by WannaCry ran-  world, there is no credible data to decide   isn’t a number
        somware. “And those were more ‘normal’   what we’re facing and what the rates for
        times,” he said. “These are extraordinarily   coverage should be.             It’ s an
        fearful times in the cyber-warfare world.”   “Five years ago, experts predicted that

          In the past, the healthcare industry was   cyber insurance for healthcare would     experience    .
        mainly concerned with ransomware, but   become more expensive than malpractice
        cyber experts are now predicting that ran-  insurance,” he added. “I’m afraid we’re
        somware attacks will decrease while more   now seeing a march toward that trend.”
        broad attacks designed to create havoc in
        the healthcare system will increase.        For more information, contact Matt
          “To complicate the picture, not only           Gracey at 800-966-2120 or
        have ransomware attacks been out of con-          visit

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                  April 2022                            5
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